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  1. D

    Sunami Yuuko to Yuri na Hitobito

    Even the title is gay
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    Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! - Vol. 8 Ch. 886 - There Isn't

    C'mon skip a few steps already Just have sex god damn it -every Tomo reader
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    Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! - Vol. 8 Ch. 883 - Misuzu-chan's Day Off

    Fluff already kissed cotton candy send pie?
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    Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! - Vol. 8 Ch. 882 - Kou-chan NG

    I'm pretty this manga will end with Carol having 2 babies
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    Mushoku no Eiyuu: Betsu ni Skill Nanka Iranakattan daga

    its so new that there is no eng scanlation yet hek
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    Isekai Yakkyoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 20.1 - Palle's return Part 1

    the mangaka did justice to this fight scene it looks awesome
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    Tamen de Gushi - Ch. 180

    why did no one mentioned this chicken tong
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    Ai wa Kane Nari - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    i cant believe they managed to show a dick in its full glory in a non porn manga also this shit is gay as fuck
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    Otokonoko Doushi Renai Chuu - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Girlyboys in Love. (Part 2)

    i like how genuine(?) this manga felt a lot of you seems to curse michelle a lotbut considering her POV from her childhood till the last page its almost a must happen phase and yes she handled it poorly think of it like ever since birth you never felt a certain emotion and u suddenly felt a...
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    Samon-kun wa Summoner

    Dem even when it got axed this author still leaves us with really wholesome end
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    Catulus Syndrome - Ch. 32 - Worried Surprise

    Yuki stay strong nanoda
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    Youjo Senki Restaurant

    Even loli Hitler can look cute What's stopping you?
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    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu.

    Marry her already gosh dammit
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    Isekai Kenkokuki

    Well we all know that that's the trope of this genre so waddya expect then
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    Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu

    Did I just smell romance? OwO
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    Nonosirarenagara Aside Fumaretai Hon

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    Bokura wa Souyatte Iromeiteiku - Ch. 11.1

    god bless the artist
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    Dora Yome - Oneshot

    feels bad for the dragon in the beginning