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  1. nuttyknight89

    The Exiled Heavy Knight Knows How to Game the System - Vol. 12 Ch. 105

    While the exp at the end was a hard hitting bit, dude went out like a bitch. Scum till the end.
  2. nuttyknight89

    Ataerareta Skill wo Tsukatte Kasei de Isekai Bijotachi to Ichaicha shitai - Ch. 18.1

    Wait a sec.. I recognize the name Dobson… isn’t he the dude who does the super cringe SJW teddy comics? I’ll still look it u though, and thank you for the explanation.
  3. nuttyknight89

    Isekai Furin ll ~Michibika Reshi Hitodzuma Tachi to Bukiyo Tensei Yuusha~ - Ch. 65 - Denied!! [CENSORED]

    So no nips until the full volume is released? Eh, I can deal with that no problem. Better than what Manhwafreak aka Utoon has been doing to Legend. Now that stuff’s downright criminal it’s so bad.
  4. nuttyknight89

    Ataerareta Skill wo Tsukatte Kasei de Isekai Bijotachi to Ichaicha shitai - Ch. 18.1

    I’m going to admit I have no idea who that is.
  5. nuttyknight89

    Isekai Furin ll ~Michibika Reshi Hitodzuma Tachi to Bukiyo Tensei Yuusha~ - Vol. 8 Ch. 64 - I Refuse!!

    Here’s to at least one chapter of her getting the vim taken from her as she’s driven insane by the teasing. I want to see her begging with her vag thrusting in the air as if her life depended on getting the level 99 D.
  6. nuttyknight89

    Road to Kingdom - Vol. 15 Ch. 84 - Lingering Trouble

    God bless you guys and thank you for keeping at it.
  7. nuttyknight89

    Dirty Thirty ♡ Magical Girl - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - What if a single woman in her 30's had dreams

    I don’t know which pisses me off more… the change in title for this, Isekai Docto- Any Sufficiently Advanced Medical Science Is Indistinguishable From Magic to just Isekai Doctor, or Sentai Rejects to Go Go Loser Rangers.
  8. nuttyknight89

    Ataerareta Skill wo Tsukatte Kasei de Isekai Bijotachi to Ichaicha shitai - Ch. 18.1

    And BAM! This mofo sneaks in some cumflation up in this bitch! GOAT material right here ladies and gents! Oh Lordy thank you for we’re eating good tonight!
  9. nuttyknight89

    Yomuin-san wa Yuusha ja Arimasen node - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

    Light the bird on fire, right there, in front of the entire guild to see, so it’s completely destroye.Then both literally AND figuratively flip the cunt the bird and say “NO”.
  10. nuttyknight89

    Ano Toki Tasukete Itadaita Monster Musume desu. - Ch. 19

    …as long as they’re not just giant piles of webbing acting as padding I approve of this change in attire.
  11. nuttyknight89

    Parallel Paradise - Ch. 264 - Burning Hatred

    No problem man. I figured you didn’t hate him as a person and it’s his stupid tendencies which you hate. And no worries about going on a rant. Helps to vent to randos online at times as more likely than not they’ll understand. I’ll also admit that I had no idea that this was by the same dude...
  12. nuttyknight89

    Legend - Vol. 16 Ch. 95

    Part of me thinks that this group of scanners is based in China. Why? Because the commies in charge are fairly censor happy retards when it comes to sexy women. Case in point: Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid.
  13. nuttyknight89

    Parallel Paradise - Ch. 264 - Burning Hatred

    I appreciate your defense of author despite your hatred. Thank you. Tbh I didn’t even consider that in-universe reason which makes perfect sense.
  14. nuttyknight89

    Isekai Furin ll ~Michibika Reshi Hitodzuma Tachi to Bukiyo Tensei Yuusha~ - Vol. 8 Ch. 62 - At the Demon King's Castle!

    Since we can’t even go one chapter without sex why couldn’t it have been an orgy? Or better yet have an innkeeper who is actually a succubus who jumps the MC and gets destroyed.
  15. nuttyknight89

    Parallel Paradise - Ch. 264 - Burning Hatred

    I get that no one has plot armor, but why would you make it so that the women who can/do get pregnant can still die from the last moon? It seems absolutely retarded. And to do it off screen to boot!
  16. nuttyknight89

    Isekai Furin ll ~Michibika Reshi Hitodzuma Tachi to Bukiyo Tensei Yuusha~ - Vol. 8 Ch. 61 - LV99 Hero!!

    Max level and the monsters skedaddle when they come across him? Absolute brazen cheating on display! Bet that merchant had a game genie on her cause boy howdy I’ve never had that happen in any game when I maxed out the characters.
  17. nuttyknight89

    Re:Monster - Ch. 105

    I know that they’re setting it up so he’s the bad guy, but I’m praying that he uses that one ability that lets him edit fate so he isn’t the bad guy.
  18. nuttyknight89

    Isekai Furin ll ~Michibika Reshi Hitodzuma Tachi to Bukiyo Tensei Yuusha~ - Vol. 8 Ch. 60 - Weekend!!

    I think he’s trying to say that she became his bitch and is choosing to censor the word bitch for unknown reasons.
  19. nuttyknight89

    Yomuin-san wa Yuusha ja Arimasen node - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

    Thank you very much for picking this up. Also, love that bonus page. It really got me laughing.
  20. nuttyknight89

    Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu - Ch. 100 - Summer Goals!

    This is why I don’t watch anything that I’m already reading. Too much gets cut or changed and more often than not i’s not for the better. Also, I see that those thugs have chosen death.