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  1. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 22 Ch. 89 - Meeting

    Nice little curveball there at the end...
  2. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 22 Ch. 88 - The Attacker Titan

    This is the part where I go back to Chapter 1 and re-read the conversation of Eren with his parents in the kitchen. So much is packed into that short scene it's incredible.
  3. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 21 Ch. 83 - Cut Off

    Why not just give em a little bit of the ol' half and half?
  4. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 19 Ch. 77 - The World They Saw

    Where's Ymir? She took off with Reiner and Bertholdt right?
  5. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 15 Ch. 62 - Sin

    Classic mix-up.
  6. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 14 Ch. 58 - Gunfire

    This chapter read like a cyberpunk-ninja-western and I loved it.
  7. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 14 Ch. 57 - Kenny The Ripper

    If Reiner ate Eren that would just mean Reiss (who is apparently Reiners boss in this case) would have to eat him in turn... assuming my understanding of Titan powers is correct. And on another note, for Eren to gain the 'hardening" ability he would have to eat someone else who has that ability?
  8. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 14 Ch. 56 - Role

    Just goes to show you that in stories like this, whenever someone leaves the room announcing they're just taking a piss, it's going to tie into the grand plot somehow.
  9. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 14 Ch. 55 - Pain

    Betrayal is more painful, and a more effective tool of torture, than getting all your fingernails ripped off and teeth removed one by one. Good to know.
  10. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 13 Ch. 52 - Krista Lenz

    This chapter made me feel like Connie.
  11. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 12 Ch. 49 - Charge

    Damn what a wild chapter that was.
  12. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 12 Ch. 47 - Children

    "She's a good person, but to idiotic extremes!!"🤣
  13. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 11 Ch. 45 - Pursuers

    It's strange, the facial expressions Bertholdt and Reiner make, they don't seem all that nefarious for being the "bad guys" in this situation. They look paniced, like they're trying to save Eren, or something? Even Annie cried when she lost Eren from her grasp. Really makes me wonder...
  14. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 11 Ch. 43 - Armored Titan

    Still waiting for the time Titan-Eren doesn't get his ass handed to him in a fight...
  15. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 10 Ch. 42 - Warrior

    Wow that reveal was very... nonchalant.
  16. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 8 Ch. 31 - Smile

    I guess now's a good time to start wondering who Annie's father is... some higher-up in the Center who's been training her this way all her life, and why? The story of corruption from the 'high-brass' is starting to expose itself here...
  17. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 7 Ch. 29 - Hammer

    This was the first time Eren was fully conscious while in Titan-mode?
  18. Kaduceus

    Attack on Titan - Vol. 7 Ch. 28 - Choice and Its Consequences

    If only Petra kept her mouth shut... smh.
  19. Kaduceus

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 7 Ch. 27 - Irvin Smith

    "People who can't throw away something important can never hope to change anything." I guess the spy inside the Female Titan isn't one such person. Whatever this conspiracy is, is more important than her own life? And what's this talk about "some humans who artificially endanger the walls"...