Negative attention is attention to dumb people like her, she most likely kept doing it so she could get more attention towards her.
I doubt she really cares about the situation.
Imma be real, if it's the eyeball/wings you're talking about, that's just the custom dominus I wear for styler looks.
If you're talking about the giant anchor, it's just May's from guilty gear lol. Still like it though :3
I am like 100% sure everybody could hear them yell, even outside that building. It ain't even eavesdropping at that point when you hear them yell every sentence. It's practically begging people to hear you.
@ieatass69 Forgot to respond, but yes, I did go to the doctors and they gave me some medicines and shots, and another thing. Didn't really say what sickness I had but they said it was some other stuff.
I am thankfully getting better from the shots though.
Recently got hella sick, nothing was working for two days, even herb teas wasn't really helping.
Starting to feeel better, nearly had a seizure and threw up 6 times yesterday, jaw was hurting and locking and teeth was hurtin' but thankfully my throat stop burnin(at least a lot).
I sadly had to...