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  1. L

    Who Made Me a Princess - Vol. 2 Ch. 69

    Thank youu so muchhhh
  2. L

    The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 31 - The Passing of Winter (18)

    Thank you >< I support the author as legal through kakaopage in my country>< I hope kakaopage in my country always updated but this week this story not updated i really dissapointed with it TnT Pardon for my bad English *"*
  3. L

    May I Ask for One Final Thing? - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

    Cool but not cold! I like this guy! Thank you for translation><
  4. L

    The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - Ch. 48

    Poor little miss T.T
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    This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 2 Ch. 64

    Yeah blockhead boy ~
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    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 6 Ch. 59

    Thank you for translated >< Izumi oh izumi ~
  7. L

    Song of the Sky Walkers (Long Strip) - Ch. 17 - Dangerous Conditions

    Thank you^^ He'll get his own way and master will be assist him •|•
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    Who Made Me a Princess - Vol. 2 Ch. 68

    Oh Please don't make that face princessT.T
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    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 6 Ch. 58

    Awww this is so cute
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    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 46

    This is so cute ><
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    @MissMirage ops my wrong. Thank you for pointed my mistake.
  12. L

    The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 30 - The Passing of Winter (17)

    Thank you! Kakaopage on my country slower than you! (Istillsupporttheauthorbecauseyoualltranslationsguyssocreditthankstoyou)
  13. L

    I Stan the Prince - Ch. 23

    Thank you for bringing this up. I really glad i now know this plot of manhwa (only assume from picture because i don't understand the translation) Thank you ><
  14. L


    Aww thank you >< i hope you continue to translating this story ^^
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    Song of the Sky Walkers (Long Strip) - Ch. 16 - The Edge of the World

    Thank you LunaLotusScans for still continuing this story. Really grateful to you all.
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    Promise Cinderella - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - A Real-Life Game

    Aww thanks for your spoiler. I only found out this good manga today @liszst
  17. L

    Endo and Kobayashi's Live Commentary on the Villainess - Vol. 2 Ch. 7.2

    Nay y'all wrong. Tsun d' ray! Lol Thank you ><
  18. L

    Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

    Thank you^^ i really like this manga. Thank you ><
  19. L

    Yane Urabeya no Koushaku Fujin - Vol. 2 Ch. 7.1

    I don't know how typesetter and translator felt about this when they were type and translated this chapter. When will our true ML would be appear? Iam enough with her suffered. Take her away from that place. And let them suffer beyond imagination! Thank you for translation ><