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    Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san - Ch. 145 - UFO

    For those who remember this is linked to chapter 98 of the main series where a UFO appear to Takagi for just a second :)
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    Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 57 - Passo Finale: Promessa

    @Alevec possibile tanto questo quanto che magari ci si aspettava un Extra, tipo alcuni manga, quindi un 37.5, boh fatto sta che finisce qui :D
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    Kimi to Picopico (Pre-Serialization)

    Well, well, well...good :)
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    Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 57 - Passo Finale: Promessa

    Quindi alla fine finisce col capitol 57? Questo fantomatico 58.o non esiste allora...beh ottimo lavoro in ogni caso, letto in inglese e quindi non lo rileggerò in italiano (per ora :D ) ma fa piacere che così molti possano leggere questa storia che è stata davvero piacevole da seguire.
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    Tsuru Tsuru to Zara Zara no Aida

    It was a googd reading, nice story, thanks to translators😁
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    Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - Vol. 4 Ch. 46

    Really I don't understand why there are readers so concerned about this relationship... Just because the physical gap? Come on, we have seen a lot of stories of "beauty" and "otaku" but those worked because there were no height differences? Is just this the problem? I really hope for this...
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    Tonari no Furi-san ga Tonikaku Kowai - Vol. 3 Ch. 20

    Granny Taira will do the decisive move on the dense nephew
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    First: thanks for translation Second: @dotawolfbrother yeah, you could feel it is a rushed but it's a one shot, maybe as a series, more chapters, would suits the story better.
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    Gesu no Ongaeshi - Oneshot

    Well, is also fine this way
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    Fureru to Kikoeru

    @otakuman706 I suggest you to read it, if you don't feel fullfilled by the ending you can come and blame to me but this story is worth to be read. It is good and heartwarming, mix love and friendship. The author doesn't go after safe route but is goog as it is.
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    Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii - Vol. 7 Ch. 52

    @keks503 yeah, they deserve it
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    Sore wa Rei no Shiwaza desu - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Sudden Encounter

    Sounds really gooooooooooood :3
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    Chicchai Kanojo Senpai ga Kawaisugiru.

    @agarose Aw yeah!
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    Renai Shimasen ka? - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - Let's Go Out!

    Maybe it could take more chapter before the end but it is good as it is
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    EDENS ZERO - Ch. 103 - Lo Scontro dei Cosmi

    Oh ma nessun commento finora? Ok grazie per la traduzione. Certo un po' stranito per la piega della trama ma vediamo dove andrà :)