My bro i know your fucking stupid as shit but atleast have some semblance of brain.
Also man i feel for this poor king
hes Clueless and lost a good assest since some Bitch was been stupid as is per usual in these works
I understand he said it himself
cant lose someone again when he have the shot at saving them this time.
he can find another way anyways.
also no doubt this will boost his reputation again
not the rescue you hoped for but hey it worked out lass.
also i presume everyone agrees to followh im too since its clear the guy is the Smart one so hes diffently the best shot at survival seeing how yeah everyone is against them lol
I do feel foe that Maetial artist i mean back tjrn she clearly did not know about the others decision to betray and honestly she seems kinda you know....
Jill rly was that delusional to the end screaming out for Reda to save him when he trashed him
turns out Jill there was one thing you was righ tabout thou
Reda did abadon you
but only after you abadoned him
Its ok bro you can still do a Harem route tbh also yeah I understand the ???? I mean if you known her for so long yet never seen her big tiddis tjen suddenly BAM I get why you flabbergastered. Also I mean they huge and eight in front of you
Tbh if Jill rly cares that much about his party and afriend he should known that Reda would not use them as a strpping stone like i dunno this just feels like a poor excuse. Cant say hes thid Carina yet he apparently dont care enough to Know Reda enough that he wouldnt do shit likr that
I said it before but like my dude has good "intentions" of wanting to het rid of corruption in thr Church but bro is just to stupid to get it done ans thats still just a shame. Meanwhile Alma is... well honedtly just kinda doing nothing vibing lmaon