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  1. TwisterJR

    Let's Take a Walk in Another World - Vol. 4 Ch. 37 - Mining City

    1. If someone's head grows 10 times his size when mad everyone would be scared of him. If not, not sure why "Miss. It is Miss boy. Now try saying it M-I-S-S" should worry him 2. They going to the mines reminds me of zoolander somehow 3. Prankster slime, what a nice prank getting on a girl's...
  2. TwisterJR

    The Tiger Won't Eat the Dragon Yet. - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - The Dragon Who Caught The Breeze

    1. I know it's a manga and all, but damn, I can't see that long and skinny dragon carrying like +120kg of tigress haha 2. I fucking hate that female dragon, she's an asshole 3. I honestly don't see Hakurei and Hekido as a couple, more like... family? I prefer if the male tiger dates Hakurei
  3. TwisterJR

    Vinland Saga - Vol. 28 Ch. 205 - Thousand Year Voyage Part 14

    So now the natives are the ones who want war huh
  4. TwisterJR

    Wolf-chan wa Sumashitai - Ch. 15 - Brother and Dog

    This chapter was cute
  5. TwisterJR

    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 4 Ch. 32 - The value of "normal"

    Oh well, in the end, nothing wrong happened, good
  6. TwisterJR

    Haitatsusaki no Onee-san ga Kowa Sugiru - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    1. Does he just considers her scary cuz of her height and her frowned face? 2. "I'm gonna get killed", mf a beauty just fell on top of you, chill the fuck up 3. "A monster like me" holy shit, everyone, chill
  7. TwisterJR

    Hajirau Kimi ga Mitainda - Ch. 54.2 - Squeeze♡

    "you pinch yours I'll pinch mine" ah that's true love right there
  8. TwisterJR

    Hajirau Kimi ga Mitainda - Vol. 7 Ch. 54.1 - The Summit of the Gods

    That "Neuron activation" face there at the end
  9. TwisterJR

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Ch. 296 - The Children And The Girlfriend (5)

    Yeah, you're a fucking idiot, but hey, be happy, you made the slightiest of progress.
  10. TwisterJR

    To Your Eternity - Ch. 176.2 - Sus Motivos (2)

    Poderes divinos o tecnología re avanzada no le pueden ganar a una buena fusca
  11. TwisterJR

    Hotaru no Yomeiri - Ch. 19

    1. Ay el amor 2. Ptm ya llegó otro
  12. TwisterJR

    Yofukashi no Uta - Vol. 19 Ch. 183 - When Summer Comes

    1. She looks better in that christmas outfit than most of her clothes in the whole manga 2. Aw that's cute, he takes pics so she won't forget 3. My mind read "Why hasn't she been sucking my dick", haha
  13. TwisterJR

    Murder Lock: School of the Killing - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Rain Named Depression

    Of course the innocent, not good for sport, and petite young girl is a ruthless and cruel murderer
  14. TwisterJR

    Record of Ragnarok - Ch. 81 - Pridefulness vs. Stubbornness

    1. Damn, his weapon is really weird 2. Ah yes, good old "this is sparta" 3. I liked the conclusion of this chapter, it's nice, now time for one of them's flashback, then another chapter of fighting, then the other's flashback and then one kills the other (probably the god)