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    Oku-san - Ch. 146

    The changes a woman goes through to bear a child.... Men and women have their own problems over time. Neither better nor worse, each is equal in their own ways. That is life, both the beginning and the end, and includes all that is between.
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    Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! - Vol. 12 Ch. 103 - Kouhai and Control

    Note that she didn't deny it. The fact they've had another child so recently shows they've still got it.
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    Jashin-chan Dropkick - Ch. 245 - Hit and You Will Know

    Poor Pekora. The happiest she can get is a small, hot meal and a dry cardboard box to live in. There is no God.
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    Evolution: Road to Space Monster - Ch. 9

    I can't be the only one that is looking at that ship and seeing a striking set of similarities to Spaceball One.
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    Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! - Vol. 11 Ch. 99 - Kouhai and Kouhai's Parents' Past(Part 3)

    Look at her in that frame after the reveal. She's not startled at his manhood. She's startled at her body's response. She splooshed the moment he turned to her full-frontal, and simply had no idea what it was she was feeling.... Such an innocent.
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    Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? - Ch. 64.2

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    Valhalla Penis Mansion - Vol. 3 Ch. 21 - Real Men Love Girls, Not Change Gender

    The irony is that the people harassing the vtubers are taking entertainment more seriously than their own lives. Maybe if they had something worthwhile to live for themselves they wouldn't have to destroy others to feel anything at all.
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    Jitsu wa Watashi wa - Ch. 196.9 - Twitter Extras

    I forgot how much I miss this. Thank you! In the end, (almost) all manga have to end. I remember the saddening end of Excel Saga like it was yesterday. Gunslinger Girl as well, having taken a huge hiatus in the English print due to Viz's moronic leadership, and fortunately kept up on by the...
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    Furyou Taimashi Reina - Vol. 6 Ch. 63 - Exorcism #63 - Salvation

    Reina needs to find her closure. FOR GREAT JUSTICE!!
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    Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o - Ch. 70 - Abstinence Attack (4)

    Well, less valid reasons have been seen for such behaviors. Most of us just do it for fun.
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    Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o - Ch. 70 - Abstinence Attack (4)

    The more I've read the story and such, I really think Michio would be incredibly well-served if he took Sherry alone into his complete confidence and explained everything about himself and what he's learned about skills, levels, etc. After getting over the shock of it all her mind would be...
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    Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o - Ch. 70 - Abstinence Attack (4)

    The manga doesn't explain it very well, and even then the novel doesn't make it clear until much later. There aren't many 'ingredients' that are sourced from the outside world. I believe that Sherry makes a comment of astonishment when Michio at some point asks how much better 'Blacksmithed'...
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    Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 2-bu 「Hon no Tamenara Miko ni Naru!」 - Vol. 8 Ch. 38 - The World of a…

    The priest recognizes that she is not normal for that world. She is far beyond a genius in terms of creating things. To have that kind of knowledge at that age is literally impossible for them, so he has to figure out where it came from. Is it too hard to believe that they might think it comes...
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    Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! - Ch. 93 - Kouhai and White Day 4

    It looks good. Finally! It's about time they went from crawling along to actually taking some steps.
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    Risou no Himo Seikatsu - Vol. 13 Ch. 53 - A Country of Conflicts

    It's hard to appreciate a good scanlation until you've had a reminder of what a bad one is. Thanks for your excellent efforts, TOOR Scans!
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    Atsumare! Fushigi Kenkyu-bu - Ch. 306 - The Mystery of Hot Carpets

    It constantly confounds me that Japan, a place that has vending machine culture several dozen light years ahead of anyone else, seems to have a very consistent and wide-spread problem with in-home heating. The family homes could easily have central air and heat, and apartments have the...
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    Black Lagoon - Vol. 13 Ch. 114 - New Girl in the Hood Pt.1

    Rei seems to be prone to just picking anything that sounds impressive. There is no reason at all that someone would need an ATF Form 4473 outside of the US, or even outside of a firearms retailer in the US. It is only for use by a Federally licensed dealer of firearms for the purpose of...
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    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 8 Ch. 96

    I can't comprehend how he can be at that perfect height to her and not just plant his face and motorboat.
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    I Won't Lose To The Hero - Ch. 5.5

    Maybe it's referring to his killing her dad?