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  1. R

    Onnamaou-sama wa Yuusha-kun wo Taosenai. - Ch. 1

    Thank you for the translation it's pretty cute and funny
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    Usotsuki Satsuki wa Shi ga Mieru - Vol. 9 Ch. 83 - Future

    I still don't understand the fate main villain girl with long black hair but this Manga is pretty amazing journey. Thank you for the translation. Also although many people's saying this being axed i think this is pretty good ending because there no main villain anymore the mastermind already...
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    Oshikake Nyobo, Kodomo Tsuki! - Ch. 4

    Cute. Thank you for the translation 🙏
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    Kaiki Tantei Sharaku Homura - Vol. 4 Ch. 16 - The Hagoromo Witch

    Thank you for this manga translating. The story pretty unique and captivating
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    DOOOOM! - Ch. 11.1

    Thank you for translating this. Many people not appreciate this but i really grateful for what you're doing because it help many people. Thank you 🙏🙇‍♂️
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    Munou na Nana - Ch. 96

    Thank you for continuing translating the manga
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    Mokke - Vol. 9 Ch. 47 - Nozuchi

    That intense. I hope eventually they can become friend and i wonder how she dealing losing her paranormal sightings
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    Rise of the Kowtowing Girl ~Sacrificial Revenge Game~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Love manga with trick like. That smart. Thank you for the translation as usual. Don't mind too much about what people said because this chapter show the story it just not a simple revenge story but have element of wits
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    Napoleon - Age of the Lion - Vol. 5 Ch. 36.5 - Suchet Side Story: Moonbull

    Thank you for keep translating this manga. Manga like this really rarely get translated 🙏
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    Rise of the Kowtowing Girl ~Sacrificial Revenge Game~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    I got bored of Cheat isekai theme so any Manga that not those themes i glady read
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    Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu - Vol. 5 Ch. 24

    The role of master in young adult Manga is always either cool older man or cool older lady, they way this manga using normal housewife as master role for the protagonist really smart because it make the mystery more deep because it portray in mundane live mystery exist
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    Mobile Suit Gundam Aggressor - Ch. 106

    Why she need to die
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    Hoshino-kun, Shitagatte! - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    I don't know what i feeling right now
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    Double Helix Blossom - Ch. 9

    This is good Manga and need more people's to see this
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    Rise of the Kowtowing Girl ~Sacrificial Revenge Game~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    I only hope the translation group not dissolve, many good translation group dissolve and good Manga get abandoned
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    Girl meets Rock! - Ch. 16

    The story is simple but make me can't stop waiting
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    Seikishi no Ore ga suki ni natta heroine ga zokuzoku to Aitsu no Harem member ni natte shimaundakedo Ore no Nani ga Ikenai noka Dareka Oshiete kure!!…

    People hate this but the plot make me curious, most people in here will not survive classic literature class with hunchback of notre dame and The Sorrows of Young Werther as book that need to read and make essay about. Thank you for the translation