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  1. Jackist

    No Guard Wife - Ch. 48

    The less you know the better. Play it, it’s on Gamepass if you want to give it a try. It’s my favourite story of all time in any medium. Don’t watch any trailers, don’t watch any clips or YT playthroughs, go in as blind as possible and experience it. You are lucky, you get to play it for the...
  2. Jackist

    Kanan-sama wa Akumade Choroi - Vol. 5 Ch. 70 - Kanan and Jeanne’s True Feelings

    Fuck you. What a fucking cop out to let the flirting continue. "I won't lose" Shut the fuck up and leave us alone. Holy shit, this isn't going to end. It seriously makes me want to drop the series if she is now "Girl #2" from this point on. I didn't sign up for this at all.
  3. Jackist

    Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? - Vol. 2 Ch. 16 - A Dose of Boobs

    You made me remember how great this series was (before the shota stuff...) This was the peak of ecchi Lucky Pervert Mangas before Harems took the genre. It had a different guy for every girl and it's crazy that just isn't done anymore. Now it would just be 1 MC going from girl to girl in a big...
  4. Jackist

    Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! - Ch. 111

    I always prefer when men don't exist at all in Yuri, it just feels comfy.
  5. Jackist

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 18 Ch. 138 - Well, that's expected of you, Senpai.

    Despite having characters who prance around in the nude, I doubt we will ever see the relationship ever get passed a simple kiss. We will get maybe 1 or 2 then a time skip based on this kind of progress and it's a real shame. I don't get why the president and her antics are okay but showing two...
  6. Jackist

    Kiraboshi Ojou-sama no Kyuukon - Vol. 3 Ch. 28 - Wonderful Child

    I love this so much. It's amazing how kissing is an untapped market but for some reason we always 'Time Skip' past that part.
  7. Jackist

    Kiraboshi Ojou-sama no Kyuukon - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - Aware of My Feelings

    it’s kind of ironic that they added “the manga with the most kissing” in an issue with no kissing.
  8. Jackist

    Kanojo no Sore ni Yarareteru - Ch. 19

    I wish they put more detail into her face. You have these lavish panels with detailed abs, muscles glistening with dripping sweat… but her face will be a couple of circles for eyes and a dot for a mouth.
  9. Jackist

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 8 Ch. 44.1 - Erotic Bridge Part 1

    I hate, fucking hate, this stupid rapey character ever since she was introduced. The joke isn’t funny, “she is just so horny she can’t help raping people Lmao haha so funny”. It’s going to justifiably give this series the sexual violence tag. The first few times when it was directed at the...
  10. Jackist

    Dorei wo Choukyoushite Harem Tsukuru - Ch. 47

    I’m really glad the series brought back the MC instead of just following the daily lives of the girls. It was a rough 20 or so issues but we made it through to the other side
  11. Jackist

    Mato Seihei no Slave - Vol. 15 Ch. 118 - Miraculous Power

    It feels like this series is trying to embrace aspects of Jojo with the long winded powers but it comes off like One Punch Man post monster association arc. Way too many filler chapters and side characters being introduced without any actual progress.
  12. Jackist

    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 10 Ch. 130 - I Went to the Beach

    Do you not see a difference between having sex and getting a handjob or fingering someone?
  13. Jackist

    Torima Minshuku Yadori-teki na! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Very Scumbaggy ♡

    I too now have a tongue fetish. Bravo
  14. Jackist

    I Fell in Love, so I Tried Livestreaming. - Ch. 88 - Surprise

    I never thought I'd say this, but I preferred this series as a Harem.
  15. Jackist

    Jikan Teishi Yuusha - Yomei 3-ka no Settei ja Sekai wo Sukuu ni wa Mijika Sugiru - Vol. 13 Ch. 43 - Timelimit and Stop

    Do you seriously view someone getting raped and someone getting their nipples tweaked as the same thing? Seriously? Also, you are applying USA legal logic
  16. Jackist

    Jikan Teishi Yuusha - Yomei 3-ka no Settei ja Sekai wo Sukuu ni wa Mijika Sugiru - Vol. 13 Ch. 43 - Timelimit and Stop

    I'm not talking about the US Legal system. My point is that the nipple pulling shown shouldn't be lumped with full depictions of rape like Goblin Slayer, Berserk, Rosen Garten, like the tag implies. The Sexual Violence tag along with the Time Stop concept makes people assume the main character...
  17. Jackist

    Osananajimi no Ohimesama - Ch. 44

    Hear me out, this will sound crazy but I am glad this series got the axe when it did. If this kept going over a 100 chapters the series would of gone full Harem. Instead of Hinaki growing up emotionally and learning to be okay being alone, it would of just been a silly love triangle full of...
  18. Jackist

    Jikan Teishi Yuusha - Yomei 3-ka no Settei ja Sekai wo Sukuu ni wa Mijika Sugiru - Vol. 13 Ch. 43 - Timelimit and Stop

    I honestly don’t think the sexual violence tag is justified. It’s actually kinda weird how sexless this series really is considering the context. We all expected plap plap plap, but instead he just squeezed a titty or undresses them. I don’t think that justifies a sexual violence tag. Where is...
  19. Jackist

    Pastel Love - Ch. 14 - Wait For Me

    I know the author thinks people will get more invested by adding this type of drama, but all it does is push me away. I’m not here for this kind of stuff at all