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  1. Poncow5

    Tsurugi no Nai - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Hero's Dawn 1

    This is so kawaiiii... Moe desuuuu
  2. Poncow5

    Grashros - Vol. 5 Ch. 40 - Murofusha

    Well that's unexpected, i thought he was gonna eat him and transform into centipede.
  3. Poncow5


    Damn! U monkey!
  4. Poncow5


    Watch out! Her breasts are going to spill out
  5. Poncow5

    Grashros - Vol. 5 Ch. 39 - Bakatono

    Iipin should be called father of onahole and get royalty for those onahole ? and ofc for JAV too?
  6. Poncow5

    Ijousha no Ai

    Uh what? Yandere since Grade school? Really? Loli murderer??? (|||゚д゚)
  7. Poncow5

    Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi ~Sokushi Mahou to Skill Copy no Chouetsu Heal~

    It would be nice if the author not forced "heal" as op skill cuz it more like a time magic than heal. But.. This author stuck with "heal is op!" crap, Not even care that heal can't even be called "heal" anymore. (。•́︿•̀。) Oh yeah, they have drug resistance but not pain resistance ofc. And the...
  8. Poncow5

    Grashros - Vol. 4 Ch. 35 - Restraint

    The title should be bondage..- oh well that works either way ?
  9. Poncow5


    I can't help but think iippin is mineta ancestor *loL
  10. Poncow5

    Grashros - Vol. 4 Ch. 34 - Kuro-Obi

    Yakuza pre-historic clan ?
  11. Poncow5


    I wish every scan group like this one ?