Search results

  1. justforthelulz

    Sekimen Shinaide Sekime-san - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

    Sure, they got together early on, but damn, this is not what our boy signed up for.
  2. justforthelulz

    Osananajimi no Mama ja Iya? - Vol. 2 Ch. 14

    When trying to be a wingman backfires.
  3. justforthelulz

    Which of these fine pieces of literature is worthy of being called art?

    That automatically puts it above DomeKano/KanoKari, where the authors/characters/readers are all accused of the same thing.
  4. justforthelulz

    Her Life is Comicalized - Ch. 10

    Tragedy tag when?
  5. justforthelulz

    Washizu - Enma's Mahjong - Vol. 3 Ch. 17 - Pirate Tide 3

    As usual, Washizu puts the 'crazy' in 'crazy prepared'.
  6. justforthelulz

    Manga unavailable, licensing changes?

    @Nemgaxad So these aren't the usual series already available on MangaPlus then? Could you post an example of such a page?
  7. justforthelulz

    Danshi Koukousei wo Yashinaitai Onee-san no Hanashi - Vol. 7 Ch. 182

    @bookbarker Can't tell, didn't actually click on the chapters and can't read moonrunes. Smart money would say any relationship development is minimal at best.
  8. justforthelulz

    Slayers REVOLUTION - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Those Who Know the Truth!

    @bigtiddyoneesan Sometimes just shitposting into the void is a form of catharsis, illustrating the absurdity of internet forums.
  9. justforthelulz

    Is there a way to get a title noticed by a scanlation group?

    I guess this is now an unofficial GFG thread.
  10. justforthelulz

    Butareba -The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig- - Ch. 1

    I never sausage a cause of death in an isekai/reincarnation before.
  11. justforthelulz

    Butareba -The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig-

    Who the fuck eats uncooked liver?!
  12. justforthelulz

    Giant Ojou-sama

    Well, at least there's no associated vore so far...
  13. justforthelulz

    25-ji no Ghost Writer - Vol. 3 Ch. 25 - Nico

    I can't say I'm particularly satisfied with the ending, but I don't regret reading the series from start to finish.