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  1. misscocoleen

    The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 32

    NOOOOOOOOO why can’t he just ask them himself?! Why can’t the twins just ask him themselves too??? Ugh!! 😩
  2. misscocoleen

    19th Century Memoir

    Thank you for the updates!!!!!!!
  3. misscocoleen

    19th Century Memoir - Ch. 23 - Best Friend (1)

    Aww they’re so cute!!!!
  4. misscocoleen

    19th Century Memoir - Ch. 22 - Another Woman (4)

    Mad props to the typesetters and redrawers for this series 😍
  5. misscocoleen

    19th Century Memoir - Ch. 13 - Older Brother (4)

    I can feel his pain 😭
  6. misscocoleen

    19th Century Memoir - Ch. 12 - Older Brother (3)

    LMAO “Stab” “ack” 🤣
  7. misscocoleen

    19th Century Memoir - Ch. 8 - Nightmare (1)

    Thank you so much for the hard work!! I almost pissed myself reading this in the dark 😂
  8. misscocoleen


    she is too cute!!
  9. misscocoleen

    The Lady's Law of Survival - Ch. 4

    Idk I’m still suspicious of even the “nice” prince 😂 thanks for the update! This is a nice change of pace.
  10. misscocoleen

    Onsaemiro - Ch. 13

    Wow so beautiful the art!!! Thank you for the chapter.
  11. misscocoleen

    The Knight and Her Emperor - Ch. 73

    LMAO the emperor 🤣
  12. misscocoleen

    The Knight and Her Emperor - Ch. 72

    Why.... was that SO sad. Donau you are so sweet 😭
  13. misscocoleen

    The Knight and Her Emperor - Ch. 71

    Aww Donau is so cute 😭😭
  14. misscocoleen

    Daybreaking Romance - Ch. 16

  15. misscocoleen

    Crimson Karma - Ch. 54

    Wait what twin was that again? 😭 Ernon noooo!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭