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  1. Jackist

    Amai-san wa Tsumetakute Amai - Ch. 23

    You know… maybe saying his name instead of Onii-chan might invoke something more than brotherly love.
  2. Jackist

    Chieri no Koi wa 8 Meter - Vol. 4 Ch. 39

    When the Twintailed Black Haired girl got Abs' after getting chubby, that's where I thought the series was going since the MC was so clearly into her, I hoped that would spurn some jealousy but I think she just slapped him.
  3. Jackist

    Uchuujin no Kakushigoto - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - Different Views

    Dramatic Irony = Comedy I feel like a Grade 9 Theatre Substitute Teacher could explain why that isn't the case but okay bud. Clearly you are adamant about your stance but honesty, why bother. If you don't like my opinion or stance on the or think I pushed to far, that's fine.
  4. Jackist

    Please Go Home, Akutsu-san! - Vol. 9 Ch. 162

    I feel like everyone saying "there is no progress" haven't read the most popular romance Manga's on this website. Because that internal dialogue is progress despite them not acting on it in the best way. All the biggest Romance Manga's (in terms of followers, not rating) don't even have both...
  5. Jackist

    Please Go Home, Akutsu-san! - Vol. 9 Ch. 162

    I guess I'm bitter but I never expected a confession from Akutsu. It was always going to be "Tsundere'd" coming from her. But things are moving despite what people are saying and while I would LOVE them to just have the series with them dating normally, we all know Publishers and Editors want...
  6. Jackist

    【Oshi no Ko】 - Ch. 135 - BY HER SIDE

    This whole “pretending to make Ruby learn” arc is so fucking stupid. What’s the end goal? Because the only thing I see happening is bad. People will die because of this stupid decision. someone’s gonna commit suicide or get murdered because of this fucking idiocy
  7. Jackist

    Mone-san no Majime Sugiru Tsukiaikata - Vol. 7 Ch. 59 - School Trip 3

    That photo is going to cause some drama, won’t it?
  8. Jackist

    Futoku no Guild - Vol. 12 Ch. 68 - The Height Of Summer

    Thanks, I'm going to unfollow this series. I'm already on a knifes edge. I'd hurt myself if I tried to push through
  9. Jackist

    Bijin Onna Joushi Takizawa-san - Vol. 7 Ch. 147

    "maybe I'm part of the problem because I don't get mad about it" No the chief is just a fucking creep. He has been a creep since day 1, and his psychic mind reading abilities just make it weirder. Does anyone find that funny?
  10. Jackist

    Ponkotsu-chan Kenshouchuu - Vol. 6 Ch. 64 - Anchor

  11. Jackist

    Futoku no Guild - Vol. 12 Ch. 68 - The Height Of Summer

    Just tell me one thing please, by serious do you mean serious threats or serious topics? I’m fine with serious topics and things getting emotional but I’m kinda over watching the characters getting messed up by monsters after getting so attached to them.
  12. Jackist

    Musume Janakute, Watashi (Mama) ga Suki Nano!? - Vol. 5 Ch. 25.4

    They can’t have 1 issue of dating normally before a random drama appears and time for a long distance relationship and lots of fake NTR set ups to achieve whatever emotion the author wants at the moment. I’m calling it now, after the daughter “testing” the relationship the next arc will be the...
  13. Jackist

    Choukadou Girls - Vol. 4 Ch. 33 - QOL and OBQ

    I remember Ramna being super dirty with the old tiny grandma giving everyone a feel or stealing their panties. I got a low key voyeur fetish with all the Akane and the unknowing pig is a dude stuff. Maybe certain scenes just stuck with me but I remember Ramna getting fondled all the time the...
  14. Jackist

    Futoku no Guild - Vol. 12 Ch. 68 - The Height Of Summer

    This series is doing what I’ve been hoping for years, less monster assault and more lucky pervert situations for our MC. They have a really good set of characters in this series. And I’ve really grown to like them, like a lot. So it is really hard to go back to the old chapters where they are...
  15. Jackist

    Choukadou Girls - Vol. 4 Ch. 33 - QOL and OBQ

    The nudity always feels so out of place compared to Choukadou Girl ⅙. It’s weirdly non-sexual if that makes any sense. They don’t want to make the MC horny for the dolls like before and now he’s a Dad with no sexual urges. I miss that aspect, now it’s just slice of life without any hint of...
  16. Jackist

    Otagai Dondon Hamatteiku Kyouikugakari to Shinnyuushain - Ch. 54

    The fat ugly dude will never ever find love. People judge him and treat him like an actual monster if he’s a nice kind loving person. For the rest of his life unless he becomes attractive and loses the weight he will be treated like dirt. And if he loses the weight he doesn’t have the social...
  17. Jackist

    Boku no Oku-san wa Ningen da - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    We got a Monkey Fucker over here ladies and gentlemen.
  18. Jackist

    Kanan-sama wa Akumade Choroi - Vol. 6 Ch. 78 - Jeanne’s Bento of Love

    You need help buddy. Seriously. And coming from me, that's saying something. You could always block me in 5 seconds, but instead you threaten me like a weird overly attached discord mod? k, peace bro
  19. Jackist

    Kanan-sama wa Akumade Choroi - Vol. 6 Ch. 78 - Jeanne’s Bento of Love

    No, you just obviously don't think this is emotional cheating, getting handmade lunches from "friends" who are deeply in love with you is completely ok and wouldn't be any kind of red flag at all right? NTR isn't just about when he goes balls deep, it's having Kanan having to just smile and...
  20. Jackist

    Renge to Naruto! - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Special!

    "Naive Gyaru" is such an strange genre if you stop to think about it, but I'm not saying I don't enjoy it. I really do like the gap of Naive and unintentionally Lewd and enjoy the lucky pervert situations, but it does sometimes make you feel a little guilty. What made the genre blow up so much...