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    Tensei Pandemic - Vol. 7 Ch. 46 - Change is good

    Is it just me or is that a rather unusual course of action for a manga such as this
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    Tensei Pandemic - Vol. 7 Ch. 45 - Don't go home yet!

    What the cinnamon toast fuck is happening
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    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 48 - The Seto-kun That Anjou-san Doesn't Know

    And with that the tiny sliver of progress was halted once more to draw out the manga
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    White Angels Get No Rest - Vol. 1 Ch. 19

    Scared, Potter?
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    Non-Special Day - Ch. 2 - Smartphone Generation

    A more honest and mature take on our current generation. It's amazing how much I can share with those I love thanks to smartphones
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    Tensei Pandemic - Vol. 7 Ch. 44 - The theme is... love!?

    It makes sense. He had a dick and wanted a big breasted gf. Now he is the big breasted gf, all he needs now is a dick. Yes, yes. It all comes together nicely.
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    3 weeks later the crazy mass murderer is still a crazy mass murderer and we learned some unnecessary backstory. Yay.
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    Tensei Pandemic - Vol. 6 Ch. 42 - Just to make sure

    Someone is gonna distract them and the revelation will be postponed again. 101 of making a manga unnecessarily long.
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    The Skinny Girl and the Chubby Boy

    This is like if you took the word "wholesomeness" and made ink out of it and then started to draw.
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    Tadokoro-san (Web Comic) - Ch. 34

    dis is some gud shiet
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    Torako! Don't Break Everything! - Vol. 2 Ch. 20 - Tears

    Shit this was an amazing ride, great choice by the creator to change the pace with the tunnel accident. Loved every chapter of it.
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    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 2 Ch. 20

    That was fucking adorable
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    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 44 - Anjou-san Wants to Go To the Arcade

    I mean, I get why she is doing it. She wants to spend time together and have memories before they part at the end of high school cause she probably can't follow him to his university. But goddamn, stop beating around the bush and tell him how you feel with WORDS.
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    Latent Blue - Ch. 15

    Thanks for keeping this going, I really enjoy this series!
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    Tamen de Gushi - Ch. 188

    The script for this episode could have been written by Randowis
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    Hino-san no Baka - Vol. 3 Ch. 34

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    Lily Love

    Simply adorable
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    Koi Inu

    You could rename this to "Everything you should be doing differently in a relationship to not constantly argue with each other"
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    Citrus +

    You would think at some point either of them would grow up and actually use the words they learned in school to properly convey their feelings instead of making vague comments and be done with it until the next issue arises. This really gets frustrating after a while.
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