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  1. nonsensefakename

    Middle Manager Tonegawa - Vol. 9 Ch. 68 - Surprise Attack

    Oh, I thought we were gonna see the sumo fight lol
  2. nonsensefakename

    Ichinichi Gaishutsuroku Hanchou - Vol. 18 Ch. 139 - Sleigh Geezer

    I was hoping it was a Fight Club situation.
  3. nonsensefakename

    Middle Manager Tonegawa - Vol. 9 Ch. 67 - Dialogue

    Hell yeah Tonegawa's getting translated now!
  4. nonsensefakename

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 18 Ch. 138 - Solo Drinks

    I come in like once a month and binge
  5. nonsensefakename

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 18 Ch. 138 - Solo Drinks

    Finally I am caught up, I was super behind on Otsuki. Glad to see Muraoka's game referenced... It feels like we (almost) never get Muraoka and Kazuya stuff on the any of the spinoff manga, nobody ever seems to run into the characters that didn't get animated.
  6. nonsensefakename

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 17 Ch. 131 - Closed Door

    I had a similar thing happen, I was home alone and went into the bathroom for brushing my teeth but the door's handle came off when I attempted to exit, I tried to reattach it, or to force the door open in many ways but nothing worked, I was stuck for like 6 hours, but I didn't live alone back...
  7. nonsensefakename

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 16 Ch. 127 - Human Intellect

    The AI generated chapter is so vanilla lol, the chapter isn't about anything it's just a checklist of things lol makes you realize the worth of IDEAS.
  8. nonsensefakename

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 15 Ch. 119.5 - Good Rest

    Cool stuff, I hope we get more Tonegawa
  9. nonsensefakename

    Ichinichi Gaishutsuroku Hanchou - Vol. 15 Ch. 116 - Game Immersion

    Was not expecting slay the spire and roguelikes to be the focus of a chapter. Hoping for a Metroidvania chapter and one where Otsuki spends his outing watching Vinesauce.
  10. nonsensefakename

    Nikaidou Hell Golf - Vol. 3 Ch. 30 - Stroke

    Either this is the manifestation of his temptation to cheat, or he's gonna turn into a time looper and retry the damn thing eternally.
  11. nonsensefakename

    Washizu - Enma's Mahjong - Vol. 7 Ch. 45 - Prison Ward 6, Part 1

    Hmmm I won't read it out of order, but I'm happy these are being translated, and I don't wanna be ungrateful, thanks for your work guys 🥰
  12. nonsensefakename

    Nikaidou Hell Golf - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - Turbulence

    This was the most hilarious chapter so far with Nikaidou wasting old people's cruiseship savings over and over, that lowered my guard... Then came the most soul crushing reveal, what a damn shame but he clearly deserves it and it was gonna happen eventually, now he's really in deep and he's got...
  13. nonsensefakename

    Kaiji before Espoir - Oneshot

    Ah, shame Bongo probably won't show up anywhere else, this was great
  14. nonsensefakename

    Nikaidou Hell Golf - Vol. 1 Ch. 9 - Fraud

    I had overlooked this manga, this stuff shows Fukumoto still has it in him, the guilt they both feel here is so justified, great scenario.
  15. nonsensefakename

    The New Legend of the Strongest Man Kurosawa - Vol. 12 Ch. 91 - Letter of Challenge

    On top of the visual callbacks to the first series, the mood of this chapter also feels like those older arcs.
  16. nonsensefakename

    Tetsuya - The Man Called Mahjong Master - Vol. 9 Ch. 74 - Farewell, My Jewel

    For the goofy sidekick role Danchi sure gets a ton of existential crisis arcs. Doteko quickly rising on the waifu charts... Just saying.
  17. nonsensefakename

    The Legend of the Old Age Gambler - SOGA

    Awesome that this is set on the Kaiji universe with Perica with Hyoudou's face on it, I wonder if this means Soga can run into Muraoka and stuff.