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  1. keks503

    God Bless You - Vol. 1 Ch. 29

    I don't feel bad for him lol XDDDD Now he's got plenty firewood, shouldn't he be glad XD?
  2. keks503


    Answer the question Tadano!!! :O I don't care if someone else came to interrupt
  3. keks503

    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 18

    Wow...if that maid is actually capable of forgiving Chloe for framing her and doing nothing when she was being punished with 60 lashes which left scars on her legs....then she's really an ANGEL. Gosh, that was no accident, and could have totally been avoided. Moreover, that maid was probably not...
  4. keks503

    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 7

    I'm honestly surprised that he asked her for a cup of tea so soon....since his reaction towards the head knight's report about his wife and her apparently delicious tea was rather lackluster o.o
  5. keks503

    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 4

    I think....even one box is kind of excessive for one person XDD Hahahahha XDD
  6. keks503

    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 26

    What? So she prevented the original accident....but in the end they died half a year later because of something else ;A; ? And now the second brother is also in a critical situation ;w; How unfortunate is what I thought until I read the comments about how suspicious these "accidents" are X'DD
  7. keks503

    Seduce the Villain’s Father - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    I like it! I like how she's the one trying to seduce and woo the ML XDDD Confessing to him so confidently, I can't help but root for her :DD And the ML not immediately being "interested" in her but still treating her nicely....that's really great<33 He doesn't seem like an overbearing ice cube...
  8. keks503

    Peerless Dad - Vol. 2 Ch. 116

    I'm starting to lose interest in the father's story X'D I'm more interested in knowing how the children will grow and what they will experience along the way.
  9. keks503

    Lady Baby - Vol. 2 Ch. 58

    Hmmm....I got a real bad first impression on that silver haired duke -__- I really don't like rude and cold Male Leads....I've already got enough of them from other korean webtoons & chinese novels :'DD This is really bad...I'm gonna sink with my Hal/Lippe ship if no better ship appears ;w;
  10. keks503

    Lady Baby - Vol. 2 Ch. 52

    Honestly, a detective story where she investigates the future crime/murder with brother Hal wouldn't be so would actually be quite interesting o.o Is there such a thing? A story where someone goes back in time to investigate future crimes like in the anime "Erased"? Kinda feel like...
  11. keks503

    Lady Baby - Vol. 2 Ch. 51

    STOP IT! Stop making me ship these two; this is torturing me so much ;A; Oh gosh
  12. keks503

    Lady Baby - Vol. 2 Ch. 49

    Hal....please stop being so cute or else I will really suffer a lot from shipping you with Lippe :'DD I hope there will be enough female characters(or male ones, I don't care) for me to ship with all the guys since Lippe can't have them all X'DD
  13. keks503

    Lady Baby - Vol. 2 Ch. 47

    Hal is really not the ML? I wouldn't mind him be together with Lippe though X'D
  14. keks503


    Thanks for the translation! I really enjoy reading this manga XD
  15. keks503


    That was really cute XDDD The wife also seems like a happy and bright person<33 XDD Kinda really nice :D
  16. keks503


    And Inu was SO close to finally get his head patted by the warden X'DDD
  17. keks503


    Just so you know, her taste is superb XDDD
  18. keks503


    Hahahaha XDDD Poor Momoko XD But I am surprised every time at how scared Hajime is of the Warden. With how strong and fearless he usually is, the warden seems to be the only one capable of making him feel fear XDD
  19. keks503

    The Youngest Princess - Vol. 1 Ch. 21

    Hmmm, is the wolf fur guy the ML? He seems nice enough for now XD And thanks for the translation! I am really grateful for your fast updates!!