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  1. Keke094

    Yankee Juku e Iku

    wow, nuwang finally picking up others araki series again... 😱
  2. Keke094


    wow i really like this manga so much azumi has changing now around vol.6..
  3. Keke094

    To Your Eternity

    i always see ooima art reminds me to akihiko yoshida, this world building reminds me or likely connected to Final fantasy Ivalice world.
  4. Keke094

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 8 Ch. 51.5

    eh only that 😂
  5. Keke094

    Alps no Shoujo Heidi - Alps no Hijinks

    We need more someone to reuploaded keso works here
  6. Keke094

    Shin Cooking Master Boy!

    this manga was really popular in my country and got bunch of licensed manga completed, glad someone pick up this and someday getting english release.
  7. Keke094

    Souboutei Must be Destroyed

    it is just me that mansion just reminded me to sweet home, an rpg by capcom that was mentioned as resident evil inspiration.
  8. Keke094


    this more serious than i thought, mao aswell look alike to sesshomaru
  9. Keke094

    Magical Girl Site - Vol. 15 Ch. 128 - ENTER.73 - Misumi vs Ichi

    @Chrona this part that still mystery about what years in mahou shoujo site? even he censor the years in chapter 105, Msote has mentioned it 2012, 2017, and 2030.
  10. Keke094

    Rokudou no Onna-tachi

    dude i re-read and noticing that new arc was not the first time for rokudou crossdressing, it was firstly introduced in chapter 43 raino doing it for festival XD
  11. Keke094

    Magical Girl Site - Vol. 15 Ch. 128 - ENTER.73 - Misumi vs Ichi

    @puppeto4 @yu6 plus, the author already know we reading scanlation lmao
  12. Keke094

    Magical Girl Site - Vol. 15 Ch. 128 - ENTER.73 - Misumi vs Ichi

    @licebmi actually its not dropped because license, the scanlation still translating while the official license are still ongoing long ago, this scanlation was dropped because akuta was so they decided not continued it again.
  13. Keke094

    Dr. Koto Shinryoujo

    any plan for you guys continue W x Y?
  14. Keke094

    Rokudou no Onna-tachi - Vol. 14 Ch. 124.5 - Vol 14 Omake

    @Sharpedgs have you heard Charlie Chaplin?
  15. Keke094

    Asoko de Hataraku Musubu-san

    now i remember this artist has underrated gems manga that still untranslated like Idejuu and Manekoi
  16. Keke094

    Magical Girl Site - Vol. 15 Ch. 126 - ENTER.71 - Preparing for Battle

    @LLENN JK was Joshi Kousei = highscool Girl, akuta was always m*sturbate in front police station
  17. Keke094

    Magical Girl of the End

    @Hylea i know right. The only good thing was only the cop part, he much logic and was useful. The plot getting out of nowhere. I finished this only him. Try mahou shoujo site, its much better.
  18. Keke094

    Magical Girl Site - Vol. 15 Ch. 126 - ENTER.71 - Preparing for Battle

    @watanabe43 its fully translated in english by official publisher (i see the official release was uploaded in other site ilegally)
  19. Keke094

    Rokudou no Onna-tachi

    @Sanctuario think its to early or something, only beastars and iruma-kun that got serialized in same magazine have adapted into anime. i guess next year is this one.