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  1. Chocolat

    Butsuri-san de Musou Shitetara Motemote ni Narimashita - Vol. 5 Ch. 22 - That's no good!

    I don't know why I'm even reading this still I'm also surprised how this isn't axed yet
  2. Chocolat

    Close as Neighbors - Ch. 15

    Jesus. Blondie calm down or else she'll end up giving the poor dude the fate of death by snusnu.
  3. Chocolat

    An Adult's Experiences - Ch. 28

    That's a yikes from me
  4. Chocolat

    Shen Yin Wang Zuo - Ch. 154 - Blood Field

    This field thing is kinda bonkers
  5. Chocolat

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 11 Ch. 86 - The Girlfriend, Visiting the Parents, and Kiss 4

    I honestly feel bad for Ruka. She's trying so hard but it'll all be for nothing.
  6. Chocolat


    Bruh wtf that cameo
  7. Chocolat

    S-Rank Monster no Behemoth Dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Erufu Musume no Kishi (Pet) Toshite Kurashitemasu - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - The Enemy's True

    Again, still don't know how to feel about her wanting to fuck her cat but y'know, you do you.
  8. Chocolat

    Isekai Courtroom -Rebuttal Barrister- - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

    "Don't kill me" Proceeds to kill self ???
  9. Chocolat

    Close as Neighbors - Ch. 14

    So what you're trying to say is, the dude's dick literally jump started her sex drive lmao
  10. Chocolat

    Sousei no Onmyouji - Vol. 18 Ch. 65 - The End of Pervy Underpants Guy

    So we're going back to like 30 chapters without Benio or some shit? The fuck is benio
  11. Chocolat

    Sensei Lock-On! 2nd - Vol. 2 Ch. 20

    Diabetes ahoy
  12. Chocolat

    Shen Yin Wang Zuo - Ch. 153 - Golden Haired Long Hao Chen

    Oh no he's hotter than I first imagined