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  1. misscocoleen

    Bunny and Her Boys - Ch. 27 - Rabbit and Fox

    Still Team Yeol 😂
  2. misscocoleen

    Villains Are Destined to Die

    Thank you for the double update!!!!!
  3. misscocoleen

    Just Leave Me Be - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    Gosh I feel so sorry for her. Society has proved unfair.
  4. misscocoleen

    They Only Remembered Her

    Thank you to all scanlation teams for the hard work!!!! ❤️❤️
  5. misscocoleen

    They Only Remembered Her - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Wth her brother is the hottest one 😂
  6. misscocoleen

    They Only Remembered Her - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    Omg the art 😍
  7. misscocoleen

    Crimson Karma - Ch. 46

    LOL @ when she dropped her food on his cloak 😂 The name he gave her was so beautiful! He’s such a sweetheart. I am getting anxious thinking about Ernon getting hurt. 😭
  8. misscocoleen

    Crimson Karma - Ch. 45

    Wahh they are so cute!
  9. misscocoleen

    Crimson Karma - Ch. 44

    LMAO! Their interactions are so cute. 😂
  10. misscocoleen

    Crimson Karma - Ch. 43

    Aww Enron 😢
  11. misscocoleen

    The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 29

    Thank you for the update!!
  12. misscocoleen

    Beware of the Brothers! - Vol. 1 Ch. 41

    Thank you so much!! I love this series!!
  13. misscocoleen

    I Want to Do It, Even If It Hurts - Ch. 8

    Gosh I feel so bad for her that she couldn’t really tell him how she feels. 😭
  14. misscocoleen

    My Life as an Internet Novel - Ch. 67

    Thank you for the translation!!!!! Ugh they are all so cute!!!! 😭😭 I just want Dan-I to be happy 😭😭
  15. misscocoleen

    The Knight and Her Emperor

    Thank you thank you thank you for the mass release!!!! 😭❤️
  16. misscocoleen

    The Spark in Your Eyes - Ch. 6 - The Nameless Castle (4)

    Thank you so much for the update!!!! ❤️❤️
  17. misscocoleen

    A Common Story of a Lady's New Life - Vol. 1 Ch. 25

    Thank you for the update!!
  18. misscocoleen

    A Villain Demands to Be Loved

    Thank you for the translation!!!