I'm sad i didn't find it sooner, and read along with it
but at the same time, i'm happy i got to read it all from start to finish
I loved this.
I'm cry, thank you forever.
@adryan475 yeaah i think people seriously thought the MC was gonna get cucked when they introduced the side chick
but the whole premise of the series is being all faithful and married or something
Is the "eighty years" in the description a typo?
the first chapter clearly says 8 and the people look relatively young
Edit: oh fuck, it said 8 all along and i literally reread it 10 times to make sure i wasn't seeing things. what the fuck?
that TL/N kinda doesn't make too much sense
does "child of a mistress" mean the father cheated? or the wife?
is it more complicated than just a step-sibling?
edit: no, fuck, theres an exanded notes section at the end that i skipped over
rip lol
wish there was an option to move the page counter to the side or something
i like being able to tell what page i'm on, but having the thing covering a chunk of the image sucks
>drops series and doesn't translate anything for months
>someone else tries
>immediate bitching
dude wtf
and from what i can tell, the official english license hasn't gotten anywhere yet (vol 1 on preorder)
ngl i preferred the whole ara ara onee-san thing they had going on previously
reverse rape kinda hot
i can't get down with this half baked personality bullshit