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  1. Chocolat

    Bijo to Kenja to Majin no Ken - Ch. 3

    Hey, it's alive
  2. Chocolat

    Martial King's Retired Life - Ch. 10

    @GruntZone360 She's pretty much gone in the next 20 or so chapters released so far. She makes a brief page appearance inbetween but that's it iirc so far.
  3. Chocolat


    He is so gonna try going for more than 2 lol
  4. Chocolat

    Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman. - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

  5. Chocolat

    Kuro no Shoukanshi - Vol. 3 Ch. 17 - The Hero I

    The panel where they're just on the couch is so simple yet also so oddly badass.
  6. Chocolat

    Tonikaku Kawaii - Vol. 4 Ch. 38 - The Road Home

    Man, they're so cute. Such couple goals
  7. Chocolat

    Game of Familia: Kazoku Senki - Vol. 2 Ch. 5 - Lightning Meteorite

    What can this man *NOT* do exactly
  8. Chocolat

    Fights Breaking Through The Heavens - Ch. 240 - Excellent Physique and Manners

    This man just used the equivalent of a kamehameha lmao
  9. Chocolat

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 9 Ch. 70 - The Girlfriend and the Booze 1

    Well clearly saw that coming a mile away lol
  10. Chocolat

    Hello, Hello and Hello - Ch. 0 - Prologue: My meeting with her

    Aw man, this is just giving me sad Your Lie in April vibes. Sign me the fuck up.
  11. Chocolat

    Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de - Vol. 6 Ch. 28.2 - It seems like a Riari's Request.

    And then next chapter we find out this man destroy's a quarter of a continent or something with his new technique.
  12. Chocolat

    Ore no Ie ga Maryoku Spot datta Ken – Sundeiru dake de Sekai Saikyou - Vol. 2 Ch. 21

    This manga doesn't even know what it wants to be and I love it.
  13. Chocolat

    5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 8 Ch. 63 - Scrambled Eggs ③

    The fact you can instantly tell which one's miku lol
  14. Chocolat

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 9 Ch. 68

  15. Chocolat

    Isekai Nonbiri Nouka - Vol. 3 Ch. 51 - Fall Harvest, Mountain Elves, and Earthenware PT 1

    So like, dudes exist in this world right? All that show up are all bloody females the fuck
  16. Chocolat

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 8 Ch. 64

    Ruka's trying so hard. At this point you might as well just let her win honestly.
  17. Chocolat

    Because I'm an Uncle Who Runs a Weapon Shop - Ch. 7

    Damn dude. He turned that alpha into a beta.