Eh, wasn't her obsession with him worse though? She actually managed to neglect her health in favor of buying items in his shop in a game X'DDD & now as soon as she met him again, she proposed on the spot X'DDD
Seems like a good chapter :DD Actually, I would have read the raws if I could but I sadly can't access those on the official raw site XDDD
Even if this is a joke, still.... tons of thanks for working hard & translating this<33
I guess...she's starting to get a bit jealous & possessive? Or maybe they still don't like each other? Ahh, I really don't know what they are thinking X'D
The novel is the best villainess noble girl novels I've ever read...and tbh, I read quite a lot of those X'DDD The art style is kind of...different than what I imagined X'DD I liked the novel covers where they seemed more adultish. That style kind of fits the story more than this manga art style X'D
Well, this looks interesting enough? Hopefully we can still see some yandere hints here and there in the future X'DDD He doesn't need to go full on yandere mode, just a little sign of that being somewhere deep inside of him, just a tiny little bit X'DD
But seriously, does an otome game with...
After all, I am the most handsome man. I get to see the most handsome man everyday in the mirror.
Wow, that's some confidence she got XDDD She's kind of right though, she was really stunning in her old body<33 XDDD
Gracie is totally girl crush material X'DDD No wonder some people are hopelessly thinking about shipping her and the female mc<33 X'DD
At least the best friend route between them should be possible? Would be quite amazing to read about :DD
Isn't it fine to take someone's clothes off as a doctor? And...can you actually stop someone's bleeding with just a needle which was 'disinfected' with some candle fire she randomly found? I mean...being an ancient doctor...and using that kind of skill is one thing, but as a modern...