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  1. Thepandas12

    Jun de zenbu ushinau ts-ko - Ch. 30

    I think he wants to die.
  2. Thepandas12

    Kaijin Kaihatsubu no Kuroitsu-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Collecting the Stamps of the Senior Executives

    Imagine having to write down your favorite phrases for such a thing.
  3. Thepandas12

    Onii-chan Is Done For! Official Anthology Comic - Vol. 3 Ch. 47 - Whisper! Mihari-chan

    They never tested out the drugs to begin with, I don't think they tested them but knew what they were doing with them, as seen in Mahiro and a Hair's Breadth from Danger! she knew that if someone else drank it, it'll give them a dick but didn't tell mahiro what it was... though it was another...
  4. Thepandas12

    Kojika TF Shorts

    completely agree with that one.
  5. Thepandas12

    Onii-chan Is Done For! Official Anthology Comic - Vol. 3 Ch. 48 - Onii-chan's Muscles Are Done For

    I don't know what's more impressive, that she lost all the height and everything in 3 days, or that she couldn't pick up the books after all that workout.
  6. Thepandas12

    Jun de zenbu ushinau ts-ko - Ch. 29

    Futa elves moment.
  7. Thepandas12

    Kojika TF Shorts

    I really fucking hate this.
  8. Thepandas12

    Yo-Jo Life! - Vol. 3 Ch. 34

    How does someone smell another person far away?
  9. Thepandas12

    Jun de zenbu ushinau ts-ko - Ch. 29

    I wonder what the rest of the title is.
  10. Thepandas12

    Onii-chan Is Done For! Official Anthology Comic - Vol. 1 Ch. 10 - Mahiro and the Imaginary

    It's 2 AM and I forgot to comment 2 hours ago. So here's a image of mahiro admitting to being cute and young.
  11. Thepandas12

    Onii-chan Is Done For! Official Anthology Comic - Vol. 3 Ch. 47 - Whisper! Mihari-chan

    You're welcome. ^^ I just remember a lot of chapters by memory lol
  12. Thepandas12

    Onii-chan Is Done For! Official Anthology Comic - Vol. 3 Ch. 47 - Whisper! Mihari-chan

    It actually is the same drug, shown in Mahiro and the Marine Ranger (both parts), though it's a bit different than the original (Supposedly a "All new type") and it's funny how they found that one out by accident. lol
  13. Thepandas12

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Petit Onimai Manga! (Doujinshi) - Ch. 8

    I wonder if kaede will walk into the room when momiji is going to kiss her mahiro as a plush. lol
  14. Thepandas12

    Onii-chan Is Done For! Official Anthology Comic - Vol. 3 Ch. 47 - Whisper! Mihari-chan

    I have nothing to say but horny chapter. (Also, Mahiro getting beat.)
  15. Thepandas12

    Jun de zenbu ushinau ts-ko - Ch. 28

    Meanwhile: She is suffocating from boobs.
  16. Thepandas12

    Iroiro Ushinatta TS Ko. - Ch. 27

    Just making sure. lol
  17. Thepandas12

    Onii-chan Is Done For! Official Anthology Comic - Vol. 3 Ch. 46 - Babysitter

    Funny how he thought of becoming a mother.
  18. Thepandas12

    Iroiro Ushinatta TS Ko. - Ch. 27

    That was also apart of the joke...
  19. Thepandas12

    Iroiro Ushinatta TS Ko. - Ch. 27

    Her first instinct: Call the police. Guess she really loved him that much