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  1. justforthelulz

    The Shut-in Newlywed - Vol. 1 Ch. 9 - We Made the Decision Together, Didn't We?

    Communication isn't a magic solution, but it still does wonders.
  2. justforthelulz

    Awa's Life - Ch. 28 - Requite a Kindness

    This is the first time seeing the word 'requite' in any form other than past tense, negative ('unrequited').
  3. justforthelulz

    Seton Academy: Join the Pack! - Ch. 134.5 - The Phantom Striker

    Was expecting a Conan-parody of the ball obliterating the goal/wall/mountain, but this is also a terrifying outcome.
  4. justforthelulz

    Saenai Riman to Yankee Joshi Kousei - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    @JDSquare13 He knows about MC (ch.8), but hasn't actually met him yet.
  5. justforthelulz

    Tsuri Chichi Nagisa - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - The Lord of Enoshima

    Wasn't expecting a ghost story chapter in a fishing manga.
  6. justforthelulz

    Stupid Things That You Believe When You Were a Kid.

    @Afiaki Bruh, I read both your links and neither of them mentioned anything remotely close to holding a goddamn knife against/to your eyebrows. Are you sure whoever told you about the knife-eye test wasn't just messing with you?
  7. justforthelulz

    Stupid Things That You Believe When You Were a Kid.

    @Afiaki You need to explain in more detail, because holding sharp objects near my face, especially my eyes, is not exactly something I've ever been curious about.
  8. justforthelulz

    Saenai Riman to Yankee Joshi Kousei - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    @TNT261 I predict a totally-coincidental-run-in,
  9. justforthelulz

    Kakkou no Iinazuke - Vol. 6 Ch. 43 - So on That Day...

    Before this is over, I predict we'll find two more siblings for each of them that previously weren't alluded to at all. /s...?
  10. justforthelulz

    Itai Onee-san wa Suki Desu ka? - Vol. 2 Ch. 31 - Painful Self-deprecation

    My grandma says similar self-deprecating elderly things like that, even though we try to discourage her from excessively doing so, knowing it is a futile lose-lose situation.
  11. justforthelulz

    shitpost here

    Imagine making a shitpost suggestion so bad that you get outright banned LMAO
  12. justforthelulz

    Staff Observation Thread

    In a rare reversal, Subject [Z] was seen unsealing a buried thread, responsible for many a bitter battlefield of ideologies. Whether this gesture is to be interpreted as an early Christmas present or yet another step towards overthrowing the current MangaDex hierarchy remains to be seen.
  13. justforthelulz

    A Girl Who Can't Speak Thinks "She Is Too Kind." - Vol. 2 Ch. 15 - Kokosaki's Return to Form

    @Tcof It means someone can keep eating and eating and never feel full, hence a 'bottomless appetite/stomach'.
  14. justforthelulz

    Shiotaiou no Sato-san ga Ore ni dake Amai - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

    I appreciate the Bolivar conversion rate, because it's hard keeping up with the out-of-control hyperinflation.
  15. justforthelulz

    Danshi Koukousei wo Yashinaitai Onee-san no Hanashi - Vol. 7 Ch. 162

    There's a goddamn eggplant in the Shrine, I can't even. And yes, your mind went to Bottom Left immediately as well, don't deny it.