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    Send My Regards to Kenshiro - Vol. 2 Ch. 19 - The Place of Happiness

    I feel like I'm missing out on some references to Hakuto to Ken since I haven't watched much of it. Still a fun chapter though
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    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - Vol. 6 Ch. 83 - The 83rd move

    I'm starting to like Rin more in these chapters. I always liked tomboy character designs from this author, but her original gimmick felt a bit too specific and contrived and didn't really bring out a ton of interesting/funny interactions imo. I feel like the author might have realized that as...
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    Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie! - Ch. 60 - This Is Bad!!

    Wait, I forgot, why can't the MC just say "Bro, it was just me crossdressing this whole time"?
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    Doujima-kun wa Doujinai

    A few chapters in and I quite like this one. I enjoyed reading teasing romcoms like Nagatoro, but sometimes hoped to see what would happen if senpai just stood up to Nagatoro like a normal person. This is basically that, so I think the premise is strong enough to carry the manga for a while and...
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    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - Vol. 6 Ch. 82 - The 82nd move

    I just really liked this chapter. The interactions here are exactly what I read slice of life romcoms for.
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    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - Vol. 6 Ch. 82 - The 82nd move

    @Lkhfly Dude, I loved that manga. I don't know why but it really captured me. Even though I understand that the author wanted to focus on his more successful series, I am still upset that it got an axed ending.
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    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 72 - So what did you wish for, Senpai?

    Senpai knowing that he needs to improve himself is a really nice touch. I don't like the trope of loser mc who doesn't work on improving his own social skill. This does make me wonder if the author has plan to really have senpai and Nagatoro officially enter a relationship. That would actually...
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    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 71 - So, what's your luck this year, Senpai~?

    I see a lot of people commenting about progress, but I feel like this manga already has much more progress than many other slice of life rom-com manga, at least give the author some credit for that.
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    Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - Vol. 8 Ch. 61.5 - Another Tail 5

    Another case of even though the character is nice, everybody knows that she is never ever going to beat the main girl. I feel like a lot of romcoms with harem or love triangle does this. I can still enjoy this kind of story but I do wish the ending wouldn't feel so concrete and set in stone.
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    Siscon Ani to Brocon Imouto ga Shoujiki ni Nattara - Vol. 4 Ch. 48 - When a Siscon Brother and Brocon Sister Become More Honest

    Why is there still people complaining about incest in the last chapter. If you hated it, you should have gotten off the ride in chapter 1.
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    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 70 - Then I'll give you one too, Senpai...

    @KazumaLee94 >the story is at the point where Nagatoro and Senpai are now considering if they should be an official couple That's true, but this is still a slice of life rom-com manga, just because two characters are at the point where they can become an actual couple, doesn't necessarily mean...
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    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 69 - You'll be all alone on Christmas won't you, Senpai~♡

    Senpai's gift box looks the same as back in the pre-serialization version's Christmas chapter. Though I'm sure Nagatoro wouldn't be giving him a in this version.
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    Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie! - Vol. 3 Ch. 55 - Can I Touch You?

    Okay this scenario is stretching it a bit. So if he just said there is a mosquito, she'd freak out cuz she's scared of bugs? Wouldn't the mosquito fly away cuz of the sudden movement or something? And if she doesn't move, couldn't you have just swat the mosquito as normal?
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    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - Vol. 6 Ch. 70 - The 70th move

    YAY I love the tomboy characters this author draws. I really liked the sister's friend in Fudatsuki No Kyoko-chan before that manga got axed. This seems like it's gonna be the next best thing. I'm personally not too opposed to love triangles in this kind of fluff manga as long as it's fun, not...
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    Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - Vol. 8 Ch. 57

    Wait I thought it was established that Senko is taking care of him because of the curse that spawns demons and stuff?
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    Pseudo Harem - Vol. 5 Ch. 102 - Taste Test

    Is that how Japanese people taste their sauce? I don't really see the point tbh. Like yeah you don't need to wash the spoon before putting it back in but you are gonna have to wash your hands (or both) and I just don't see how this is less work.
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    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 64.5 - Nagatoro-san x Tejina Senpai Crossover

    You know what this makes me wish for? I wish the author can give senpai and a male friend. I generally like that kind of interaction in a slice of life rom-com. Like, don't tell me senpai didn't have a single friend before meeting Nagatoro. Even if he's a loner, he surely could at least have...
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    Send My Regards to Kenshiro - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - Have you ever felt your Cosmo?

    My god this is the manga that made me laughed the hardest. I gotta check out the author's other work now!
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    Mimic Girl - Ch. 23 - Dis and a Pleasant Feeling

    Hand holding is a sign of affection while sex is just putting a rod in a hole. Of course hand holding is leader!
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    The Twins' Circumstances - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Well at least a revel in the first chapter is better than a bait & switch half way into the series.