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  1. ilvanezzo


    Everyone's on Tadano's route now. Also: goddammit Najimi
  2. ilvanezzo

    Naf personal comic - Oneshot

    Oof. Too real.
  3. ilvanezzo

    Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! - Vol. 5 Ch. 17 - Version 2

    Thanks, now it makes much more sense.
  4. ilvanezzo


    Just a quick reminder:
  5. ilvanezzo

    Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible - Vol. 3 Ch. 28 - All-You-Can-Stuff and an Invitation

    @POISON2141 Out of context that sounds like a Marvel comics plot 😆
  6. ilvanezzo

    Release That Witch - Ch. 146 - Shadow Islands

    Is that... Comic Sans? JFC
  7. ilvanezzo

    Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! - Vol. 5 Ch. 23

    Well hey, if it works, it works 😂
  8. ilvanezzo

    Beware the Villainess!

    I came for otome isekai and I stayed for her faces DEAR GOD 🤣
  9. ilvanezzo

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 128

    "Only Sweet Mask and Child Emperor tried to be strong leaders" excuse the fuck out of me, are they ignoring the Fubuki Group? Her name is literally the name of an organization. What about Atomic Samurai, Bang and their disciples? Those dumb suits I swear to God
  10. ilvanezzo


    This story is heading straight for a threesome, isn't it
  11. ilvanezzo

    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 7 Ch. 67

    "My Girlfriend's Mom Can't Be This Cool"
  12. ilvanezzo

    A Common Story of a Lady's New Life - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    Oh god they're perfect for each other
  13. ilvanezzo

    1-nen A-gumi no Monster

    Even shorter summary: that movie "Mean Girls" but everyone is a psycho. With a dash of GTO.
  14. ilvanezzo

    Villains Are Destined to Die - Vol. 1 Ch. 14

    Jeezus that's one hell of a cliffhanger to end the chapter on
  15. ilvanezzo

    A Common Story of a Lady's New Life - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

    That Prince needs an injection of some common sense, too.
  16. ilvanezzo

    Isekai Yakkyoku - Ch. 28 - Begin the Diagnosis

    "I'm gonna read an isekai to take my mind off things that are going on" *reads Isekai Yakkyoku* "AH GODDAMMIT"
  17. ilvanezzo

    Hatsuharu ga Saku - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

    Jeezus, comparing to other romance series, this manga has burned through 10 volumes worth of material in just 11 chapters