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  1. rarewaifu

    Pseudo Harem - Vol. 4 Ch. 82 - Introduction

    That must of been hella awkward to explain..
  2. rarewaifu

    Maou-sama ni Shoukan sareta kedo Kotoba ga Tsuujinai - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - This is to Much

    the knife part was adorable, inject that shit into my veins
  3. rarewaifu

    Maou-sama ni Shoukan sareta kedo Kotoba ga Tsuujinai

    this is some good gourmet shit right here
  4. rarewaifu

    Fate/type Redline - Vol. 1 Ch. 3.1

    God why is Oda so hot
  5. rarewaifu


    chad u see the way he grabs her arm? ez
  6. rarewaifu


    last panel gave me a bit of a jump lol jesus
  7. rarewaifu

    5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 14 Ch. 122 - The Quintessential Quintuplets

    kinda of a rushed ending but nonetheless a great read, beware of comments people are salty because there fav quint didnt get chosen, like all harem mangas people will be mad but it is what it is thank god its only the vocal minority LOL
  8. rarewaifu

    5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 14 Ch. 122 - The Quintessential Quintuplets

    enjoyable read, one of the greatest harems of all time with splendid art! and as all harems go when a persons favorite girl doesnt win "bAd mAnGa LuLLLLL" sad sad bitter people
  9. rarewaifu

    Shounen, Chotto Sabotteko? - Vol. 2 Ch. 18 - Let's Visit?

    "shounen youre so large UwU"
  10. rarewaifu

    Fate/type Redline - Vol. 1 Ch. 2.3

    Ryouma & Oryou in the last pages!!!!! they look great Also Okita is such a mom
  11. rarewaifu

    5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 14 Ch. 121 - A One in Five Chance

    time to enjoy the salt and tears from all the bitter folk :') mAh QuiNT dIDNTT win BAD mANga!!!
  12. rarewaifu

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    wahhh my quint didnt win negi youre a hack !!!! sweet sweet tears
  13. rarewaifu


    LOL what a great ch, poor kid his plan was basically perfect giving L a "L" but in the end shinigami said it best "I guess it doesnt matter how you do it, any human who uses the death note meets an unfortunate end" love the theme
  14. rarewaifu

    Fate/Type Redline - Vol. 1 Ch. 2.2

    again Nobu is so damn hot
  15. rarewaifu

    5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 14 Ch. 119 - Five Star Tour

    lol @ all the babies crying mAh quiNt diDnt wInNN!!!
  16. rarewaifu

    5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 14 Ch. 119 - Five-Star Tour

    the salt and tears from people crying, truly a great ch "bUt mY qUiNT!!!" no wonder people always bad mouth the manga dex comment section LOL
  17. rarewaifu

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    the salt from people is so juicy!! "wah wah my fav quint didnt win bad manga >:("