My guy just created the real first cheat item in history of all items there lmao. Imagine getting a real life 300% ammo max cap for your 6-shot magnum revolver like in fallout lololol
This is like the best sword fight I've seen in a manga ever. They're not just swinging and doing thoughtless sword fight like 90% of action manga but an actual battle between two swordmasters.
I bet everyone will be like: "holy fucking shit so that mask is really useless and he only used that mask as a decoy because the one he really wants is the golem. He really is thousand tricks" yada yada yada but in reality, he's just itching to buy everything lmao
Why does it feels like that the cursed mask arc is only better on novel and not in manga, every chapter always feels like getting blue balled only to anticipate on the next chapter to be blue balled again
Edit: i forgot that the chapter is separated and this .1 is just a build up for the .2...
I really hope we only get bits of pieces of gods becoming his fans because if they focus too much there, the afterwards of that arc will always be mediocre because gods arc is like endgame shit.
Nah, there's no way she'll mistake the voice of his lord streamer. It's gotta be pre-recorded. Her mind is just very excited because mc is "streaming" right in her house hence the legendary beverage-spit that I will willingly clean up with my mouth frfr 💯
I really love how mc is just moving according to present problems and consequences and then his subordinates are like: fucking hell, the puzzle pieces are all coming together. Absolutely diabolical