Both girls on the door are clearly insane, imagine seeing someone saw some trigger event and their first action is to pick fight with a person on thier side LMAOOO
Is it true though? That women with large breasts secretes more female hormones than with lesser breast volume?
If she is of pure heart, then I'm inclined to think she's best girl next to ribbon hair girl
The only thing I'm super jealous of is the amount of food they have at the table and also absolutely mad that they probably won't finish eating all of it smh
Abso-fucking-lutely bullshit. It ended before the og story officially started. Ain't no fucking way. Goddamn. It might have some flaws, it's still a fun time waster ngl
Stop interacting and wasting speech bubbles if you actually don't wanna talk 😭😭 fucking cringe ass mf
His dumbass reverse sword is now biting him in the ass because the only way to cut someone is by pumping out mana on the sword.
Ain't no fucking way that's the lady with obcd SHEEEEEEEEEESH 10/10 absolutely would
It's absolutely funny to me that mc got all 3 saintesses lmao like at least leave some for us. Goddamn 😭😭
Working 9am to 9pm is 12 hours.
When you work at 12am to 12pm (0 to 0) for a whole week(7 days) is the 007.
IIRC jack ma, ex-ceo of alibaba, was the one who (created?)implemented this.
Man, at least he tried to talk sense to her, but after this is the most crucial moment considering mc said "it was a foolish hope", so i hope we see that bitch get imprisoned at the very least even for a moments peace lol but mostly, i hope mc won't be a doormat and a pushover when it comes to...
Jumping mid air was the most dumbass move that he could do as a swordsman considering using a sword is all about proper stances and using the ground properly to do the said proper stance smh