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  1. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 46 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked While Gathering Chestnuts

    @min_schlaf Kanji hurts at first but you get used to it. Never be scared to try learning a new language
  2. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 44 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked While (Pretend) Pregnant

    @GraniteNinja Yeah, storks only deliver to those with penises
  3. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 42 - Special Announcement - Namekawa's Yurihime Serialization Resumption and ...

    @SaintNero that’s how they’re counted by Pixiv, I don't want to leave chapter gaps
  4. Kaisermutt

    Usotsuki Android - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Shooting Laser Beams

    @henman "in someone’s wheelhouse" means that it is their area of expertise, something they are good at/experienced with/capable of.
  5. Kaisermutt

    Heterogenia Linguistico - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - I Tried To Classify All Sorts of Monsters

    Just fixed some stuff, reread the first volume because I got the official release and remembered カレクサさん (karekusa-san, Mr/Ms. Dried Grass) on page 19 was the name of Susuki's mother and I made an error when I called the Werewolf and Lizardman words for the EEEUU Goblin calques, they are in fact...
  6. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 40 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked by a Secret Intruder

    @ilvanezzo the "princess" as written on the card is プリンセス, the phonetic writing, as opposed to 姫, hime, the native word for princess.
  7. Kaisermutt

    Heterogenia Linguistico - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - I Want To Make Small Talk

    @ahobaka Shit, just remembered I turn off the compression some time ago when I was troubleshooting upload issues. I'll fix that.
  8. Kaisermutt

    Heterogenia Linguistico - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - I Want To Make Small Talk

    @Lomyr yeah, I remember once hearing that applying latin grammar standards to formal english language (in the context of criticizing a preposition at the end of a sentence or trailing infinitive) is like trying to cram a foot into an ill fitting shoe, and in my experience Japanese fits the shoe...
  9. Kaisermutt

    Heterogenia Linguistico - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - I Want To Make Small Talk

    @Lomyr Hakaba isn’t saying that the single tap represents the volitional modality, nor is he saying it is the volitional case, he only uses a volitional example, so I assume its use does not include phrases with a volitional verb followed by か. Oddly enough, the volitional case is alternatively...
  10. Kaisermutt

    Heterogenia Linguistico - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - I Want To Make Small Talk

    @nobaka I don’t see anything fascinus-related in this chapter, and I hope there is none for that matter
  11. Kaisermutt

    Heterogenia Linguistico - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - I Want To Make Small Talk

    @gpl That's odd, in Spanish the word for linguistics is feminine so it definitely couldn't be Spanish either. I'm not exactly an expert on romance languages, although I did take a few years of latin.
  12. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 39 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked On a Diet

    @Himatago99 the same thing happens in The Story Between a Dumb Prefect and a High School Girl with an Inappropriate Skirt Length so I think this is just some old wive's tale that comes from a culture with no awareness of stretch marks.
  13. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 37 - Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied Volume 1 Release and Store Perks

    @Zhou I mean there are cases of store exclusives in the West and of certain editions or box sets of books coming with special additional material (I unfortunately owned all the Series 1 Monogatari LNs before I learned about the box set), but I can’t think of anything like this I've encountered...
  14. Kaisermutt

    Usotsuki Android - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Gluttonous Robot

    @xyzzy I think he was going to confess
  15. Kaisermutt

    Usotsuki Android - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Gluttonous Robot

    I'll keep up my weekly schedule on this, Heterogeneous Linguistics is only monthly at most
  16. Kaisermutt

    Heterogenia Linguistico - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - I Tried To Classify All Sorts of Monsters

    @lazyoldman The latin alphabet is largely derived from Phonecian which also had a large influence on Hebrew, Greek, and other alphabets, which is why the first letter of Hebrew is aleph and in Greek it's alpha. A lot of seemingly disparate languages are interconnected at their core
  17. Kaisermutt

    Heterogenia Linguistico - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - I Tried To Classify All Sorts of Monsters

    @Bainhardt I'm very surprised to see my linguistics fix with a side of Bainhardt