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  1. Kaisermutt

    Heterogenia Linguistico - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - I Tried To Classify All Sorts of Monsters

    @RC1138Boss they are funny but if I ever ran into a snake with opposable thumbs it would be fucking terrifying
  2. Kaisermutt

    My Cat Is a Kawaii Girl

    Fucking baffling. Least expected serialization I've ever seen
  3. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 36 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked by Surprise

    @AnonMan88 I stand by partner=flasher, those hairstyles are identical. Plus she was keeping her distance from the harem.
  4. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 33 - Namekawa 1 Week Break Notice

    @jellyrolljunior it's just my pfp, I think a friend drew it for me in middle school or something and I thought it was hilarious and never changed it
  5. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 33 - Namekawa 1 Week Break Notice

    @thecronosone He already has! This chapter is from a few months ago, it's just still in the numbering
  6. Kaisermutt

    Heterogeneous Linguistics

    @Catfishlover339 It's ongoing, next full chapter releases December 18th, and 28 is out but not translated. Update: I translated it and I'm about to clean/redraw/typeset it
  7. Kaisermutt

    Heterogeneous Linguistics

    @Jenst In later chapters it seems like a lot of the journal is scribbles and notes that don't make sense removed from their context, so I don't think he's stupid for not trying to read it through.
  8. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied

    @JustCallMeDaBoss aggressive and one sided
  9. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 28 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked in a Selfie

    @KuroeNekumi @Chiakoi Yeah I see that now. Although there are a number of cases of single non-loan words being written with both katakana and hiragana in this manga, even in the name there's ナメる.
  10. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 31 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked Starting a Part Time Job

    Another thing on the topic of car ownership for teens in Japan, I found this Chiebukuro thread (linked) where a Japanese person is confused by the fact that American teens have cars in movies
  11. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 31 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked Starting a Part Time Job

    @Scrabbleman all of the chapters that aren't announcements or updates between 31 and 40 have the manager or Namekawa at work or both
  12. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 31 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked Starting a Part Time Job

    This is the start of a part time job arc which goes until chapter 40 (interrupted by a number of non-chapterd that are still in the chapter numbering.) The credits page image is from Paper Planes, the song with the "all I want to do is."
  13. Kaisermutt

    Let's Do It Already! - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    Keiichirou feels more and more like Batman every chapter
  14. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 30 - Ayase-chan Wants to Protect Her From a Pervert

    @GLFanatic chapter 47 came out less than a week ago, so while I can't speak to the serialized version, the web version is definitely not axed.
  15. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 28 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked in a Selfie

    Great Namekawa character development chapter. Also Inukai bites Namekawa in the photo and when she flees she has sonic legs. @MadMade I'm afraid you are mistaken.
  16. Kaisermutt

    Usotsuki Android - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Android Gets Out of a Pinch With Her Eyes

    @RaMsO Holy shit didn't catch that. Thanks, apparently those pages didn't go into the archive, I found them fully typeset in my recycling bin and put them up. Glad I didn't empty it out
  17. Kaisermutt

    Kono Kyoushi, Zettai Wazato. - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    It just occurred to me that this whole manga is about a horse girl. I don't know if the stereotype of the horse girl exists in Japan, but it's still really funny either way. Thanks for the chapter.
  18. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 27 - Namekawa-san Definitely Wants to Sell

  19. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 27 - Namekawa-san Definitely Wants to Sell

    @trenslime the web version is continuing and we're long past the release of the tankoubon. This kind of situation, where a release from a new popular series gets delayed by external factors, is very new so we really have no precedent.