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  1. Cybernatus

    Mousou Telepathy - Vol. 7 Ch. 713 - Of This Being

    The ride was so long and we finally got it! Celebration time 😎
  2. Cybernatus


    Je serait enchanté de pouvoir lire ce manga en français, mais effectivement, pas de pages 😓
  3. Cybernatus

    April Fool's Collection 2020 - Ch. 105 - Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi

    It is either : 1 ) The worst and lazy possible way of doing an April fool joke 2 ) The worst day to legitimately mess up the upload order And beside that, I do love this chapter either way, so thank you anyway =D
  4. Cybernatus

    Koishikawa-san Is a Carnivore - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Can I be your friend?

    Dear Anon, Thank you! 😘 And take care!
  5. Cybernatus

    Reki Yomi - Vol. 1 Ch. 8.5 - Bonus comic & The story of Reki Yomi

    Thank you for translating this "rather uneasy but still interesting" series 🤗 Here is your girl eating a hamberger of the day :
  6. Cybernatus

    Onakura no Yuurei-san - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    An excellent debut for a promising series. I'm counting on it to stay appealing and a big thank you to translator-san 🤗
  7. Cybernatus

    Useless Ponko - Vol. 4 Ch. 24 - Karaoke Ponko

  8. Cybernatus


    I've just come to encounter this situation where leading to an official publisher's website would be the best moment to screw you up. And of course, they didn't miss their chance by blocking the view of old chapters due to licensing issues.. So for those who would like to read old chapters for...
  9. Cybernatus

    MangaDex Two Year Anniversary

    Usual supporting methods are overrated nowadays boïs, just go by servers donation instead 🧐 And i'm not even kidding there, I'd rather gladly donate a server within given price range instead of others methods I'm not fund of.
  10. Cybernatus

    Neko Musume Michikusa Nikki - Vol. 17 Ch. 104 - Passing the Time Making Photocopies at the Convenience Store

    It's a great pleasure to see my favourite manga being translated. Kiddos to you france001 for keeping the series alive 🧐 I've bought Vol.19's eBook on, but I don't know if there is a simple method to convert it from their reader into RAW cause of DRM stuff. At least, I'm pretty sure...
  11. Cybernatus

    Touhou - After Gold (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    Merci pour l'upload @Owlolf , cependant il s'agit là de la version anglaise et non française 🧐
  12. Cybernatus

    Happy Holidays: Server Upgrades and Rule Updates

    Thank you for these welcomed rules. I've come to enjoy reading mangas translated by the so called r*peman multiple times until reaching its famous credits pages which ruined all the fun I had. We might speak about free spech here, but please NOT IN A MANGA WHERE THE AUTHOR ISN'T EVEN...
  13. Cybernatus

    Neko Musume Michikusa Nikki

    @france001 Your work is much appreciated, I'm looking forward for the next chapter after this long wait 🤗
  14. Cybernatus

    Yankee-kun to Hakujou Gaaru - Ch. 9

    C'est un petit évènement de voir une traduction Française prendre le pas sur l'Anglaise pour une si belle série. Un grand merci pour le travail accompli 😊
  15. Cybernatus

    Shinkaigyo no Anko-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - Goodbye, Anko-san

    Somehow, the ending looks axed in a very formal way. This won't retain me from enjoying the taste of each release we've had once again, but it's pretty sad this series ends after only 27 Chapters as I'm sure there was a bunch of interesting plot possibilities around this universe. Thank you...
  16. Cybernatus

    Piemageddon: Pie a Mod in the Face!

    @Zephyrus Claps and kiddos for the features :3. I'm not supporting MangaDex for the pleasure of having special treatment or anything, which would just be plain stupid, but please understand it feels a bit disappointing to be at my place knowing you are directely supporting a website you like...
  17. Cybernatus

    Piemageddon: Pie a Mod in the Face!

    Not to ruin the mood or anything, but I sadly tend to find Discord boosters getting all the attention for a feature that doesn't profit to MangaDex directly. While in the meantime, donators and supporters are put aside not even mentioned for a penny (Or at a minimum with what seems to be the...
  18. Cybernatus

    Kaijuu no Tokage - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    Your work is much appreciated 😘 My guess would be a weekly release to keep in touch with the series without waiting too long :3
  19. Cybernatus

    Major Milestone Reached!

    That's the way to go, proud makers of this gigantic yet fanstatic project I'm very glad to be part of it 🤗 There is more milestones to reach and all my heart is with you until then! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ