Search results

  1. Mathew_01

    Shinmai Shimai no Futari Gohan - Vol. 6 Ch. 33 - Venison Stew

    So, the bolt on her gun changed sides....ree
  2. Mathew_01

    Nadeshiko Changes

    Not a hentai.....riiiight -wink wink-
  3. Mathew_01


    this a redo of NPC? i feel like i have read this a while ago.
  4. Mathew_01


    Right into the final fight. Looks like she got axed.
  5. Mathew_01

    Renai Shikou Seitokai

    Wait a second, he makes stuff besides hentai??
  6. Mathew_01


    SO, do all of the villagers have redundant names? Speed of Sound Sonic, Flashy Flash, Gale Wind, Hellfire Flame.....i mean...come on.
  7. Mathew_01


    ahh yes, the prison wallet
  8. Mathew_01

    All pages not loading for long strip.

    Im doing single page and its running pretty sluggishly.
  9. Mathew_01

    Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - To Remember Magic Spells, I Have To Face Terrifying Foes...

    That kind and sympathetic paw on the head. My dog does that to me when i lay on the floor too.
  10. Mathew_01

    Latest Update on State of MangaDex

    I'll have so much manga to catch up on in the meantime now that speeds are being restored. Thanks for the hard work in getting the site back up and functional!
  11. Mathew_01

    Images not loading in any manga

    The site is getting DDoS'ed apparently.
  12. Mathew_01

    World Customize Creator - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    @Enceee Hey, if you had a guy living with you who could turn 1 dollar into 30, wouldn't you be greedy too?
  13. Mathew_01

    Game of Familia: Kazoku Senki - Vol. 2 Ch. 5 - Lightning Meteorite

    Those are some funny looking swords those elite swordsmen were carrying
  14. Mathew_01

    Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai

    This theme seems to be the new isekai trend going around
  15. Mathew_01

    Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    I am.....okay with this outcome
  16. Mathew_01

    Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

    Admin, that doggo is OP, plz nerf