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  1. SunnyD88

    Heisei Haizanhei ☆ Sumire-chan - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - A Privileged Woman

    I'll never understand allowing a bunch of other guys to ogle up your girl like that. I feel like that's probably one of the reasons why Gojo is upset in Sono Bisque Doll. Like even if they're not your girlfriend yet and you like them, why the fuck would I want a bunch of other guys eyeing them up
  2. SunnyD88

    Itoko no Ko - Ch. 11.5 - Extra: My Cousin and Manners

    I ship both the sister and cousin with MC :D
  3. SunnyD88

    Jinrui o Metsubou Sasete wa Ikemasen - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - Don't Get Influenced by TV So Easily

    Definitely can't send your kid out alone to shop in America 💀💀💀
  4. SunnyD88

    Jinrui o Metsubou Sasete wa Ikemasen - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Because You Said You Wanted to See Fireworks

    Having children and raising them is the greatest joy you can ever have. Unfortunately the anti human elite scum have convinced everyone that raising a family is the worst thing in the world
  5. SunnyD88

    Hirayasumi - Vol. 7 Ch. 61 - After Playing Catch

    Holy fuck, this manga is so damn relatable
  6. SunnyD88

    Bocchi the Rock! - Ch. 74

    She just like me frfr ; _ ;
  7. SunnyD88

    Kono Ko Shirimasenka? - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - Wrath of Kuboyama

    Yeah, death by hanging is too easy of a death for that fat fucker
  8. SunnyD88

    Boku no Kanojo wa Dekkawaii (Pre-Serialization)

    Oneshot...guess I'll load the one shot into my shotgun...delicious barrel
  9. SunnyD88

    Kijin Gentoushou - Vol. 4 Ch. 17 - The Devourer (4)

    FUCK, same kimono pattern too...just slicing them down was too easy for those pieces of shit. Should've dismembered them limb from limb
  10. SunnyD88

    Kijin Gentoushou - Vol. 3 Ch. 10 - Demons and Humans (10)

    Page 25, well shit at least the chief has the self-awareness to admit that indeed all of this is your fucking fault for trying to have a girl, who already had a mutual love with the guardian of the village, to marry your son and have her fuck someone else in front of her true love. Fucking hell.
  11. SunnyD88

    Kijin Gentoushou - Vol. 3 Ch. 10 - Demons and Humans (10)

    The both of you should've just chosen to marry each other, fucking dipshits. There's literally no reason why both of you couldn't have just gotten married and continued to protect the village other than some retarded tradition and duty
  12. SunnyD88

    Kijin Gentoushou - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Demons and Humans (9)

    Literally, all of this could've been avoided if Shirayuki had just ran away with Jinta and married him. Suzune would've even been fine with it, but both of them had to throw away that future for the sake of some bullshit "duty" to protect the village. Your adherence to some duty got the entire...
  13. SunnyD88

    Kijin Gentoushou - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Demons and Humans (9)

    I feel bad for Suzune. He was literally all she had while Shirayuki, in the end, didn't need him. Shirayuki only "needed" to protect the village, even if it meant having him stand guard while she fucks some other dude.
  14. SunnyD88

    Kijin Gentoushou - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Demons and Humans (8)

    Man, Suzune gotta point, she prevented NTR o7 You should be so lucky to have such a good little sister
  15. SunnyD88

    Kijin Gentoushou - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Demons and Hunters (6)

    Honestly, I sympathize real hard with Suzune here. She's right, page 23 is exactly how I feel as a the reader about the whole situation too
  16. SunnyD88

    Kawaisugiru Danshi ga Ouchi de Matteimasu

    For real, fucking some other dude like a day after thinking that they broke up, only for the boyfriend to catch them post fuck? Subhuman trash hoe behavior. What's even more infuriating is how easily the ex bf forgives her
  17. SunnyD88

    Kawaisugiru Danshi ga Ouchi de Matteimasu - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - Because I'm Rooting For You

    I'll predict the ending, something happens in the relationship and Haru opens the door to find her fucking some other dude. Yeah I'm still bitter about that shit, it's some subhuman bullshit