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  1. Duribu

    Touhou - Futari no. (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    That feeling when you misread the title as "Futanari no"
  2. Duribu

    Touhou - Connect Essence (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    Hijiri being a protective mom is cute and scary.
  3. Duribu

    YuruYuri - Vol. 18 Ch. 146 - When The Three Of Us Get Together, It's Very Noisy

    Ah these two. It's neat to see them again, though they're goofier than expected
  4. Duribu

    YuruYuri - Vol. 18 Ch. 145 - It's Too Late, I'm Leaving You Behind!!

    It's always good to see more chapters of this series.
  5. Duribu

    Touhou - Magical Heart (Doujinshi)

    It's cute when the SDM residents try to help push a couple together.
  6. Duribu

    Touhou Suichouka ~ Lotus Eater-tachi no Suisei - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Love the Customer, Hate the Sin (Part 2)

    Also man, this might be the most well protected bar in Gensokyo. An oni, a tengu, and the boss bakedanuki, all invested.
  7. Duribu

    Touhou Chireikiden ~ Hansoku Tantei Satori - Vol. 2 Ch. 9.5 - Ghostly Friend’s Dream Divination High in Spirits (Pt. V.2)

    Youmu calm your tits. You're cute but you're having a little too much fun with this. That said it's still fun. Also poor Marisa, being accused when she didn't do anything. Well, maybe. Also what, Yukari? Good luck keeping her out of your shrine, Reimu. Edit: also wow, the art has gotten...
  8. Duribu

    Touhou Suichouka ~ Lotus Eater-tachi no Suisei - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Love the Customer, Hate the Sin (Part 2)

    This is some peak Mamizou. But her tail is big enough to use as a couch these days! This series is cozy and nice, like going back into Forbidden Scrollery, or WaHH. Also I wonder what spooked the three fairies of light. They were running off in a panic there. Edit: ah, Sunny was reaching...
  9. Duribu

    Touhou - You Know Not Why You Died (Doujinshi)

    Despite the depressing cover art, that was pretty cute in the end.
  10. Duribu

    Touhou - You'un Gurui (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    @Grimmycoffee I believe they were trapped in hell together for a while. At least that's the usual explanation I see.
  11. Duribu

    Touhou - Crazy Furious God (Doujinshi) - Ch. 2 - Middle Part

    I like when Suika summons all her little Suikas. Also they did a good job capturing her goofy animations from the fighting games
  12. Duribu

    Touhou - little bug & little flower (Doujinshi)

    Don't bully Wriggle. Poor Wriggle, always bullied in this ship.
  13. Duribu

    Inaka ni Kaeru to Yakeni Natsuita Kasshoku Ponytail Shota ga Iru - Vol. 3 Ch. 29

    I like the "I behaved maturely!" thing. He's a good kid.
  14. Duribu

    Touhou - My Best Life (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    Sakuya bring extra protective of her mistress' reputation.
  15. Duribu

    Touhou - God and Me! (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    Ah I like Okuu. This was a fun doujin, thanks for the translation!