@Napul Does the mangaka regularly post stuff on her twitch channel?
@jak The parents still do not accept the relationship, but they did not disown Ritsu and Uta. The friends initially rejected them, but they eventually came to terms with it.
Apparently on her twitter and twitch accounts, the mangaka said that a hypothetical baby of Ritsu and Uta would be called “Kanade”. However, that’s only hypothetical and non-canon. The mangaka will stick to them not having any kids.
LOL, I hope they used protection! In all seriousness though, since they already agreed here that they would not have any kids, then what is the problem?
no defective babies = no problem
I do wonder if they will adopt tho.
@nerufu To be fair, she was a serial rapist herself. So you probably don’t feel bad for her because that is the same thing she did to countless girls before.
@FaizR55 It was Keyaru. He disguised himself as Freya to mess with her.