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  1. geistchevalier


    I'm already on that ship
  2. geistchevalier

    Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san - Vol. 20 Ch. 172 - Hero-transformed Yuuna-san

    I'm afraid of the next Comicket now that this is cannon
  3. geistchevalier

    Ikinokore! Shachiku-chan - Vol. 1 Ch. 6.6 - Shachiku-chan's Past (Second Half)

    The only development model on most project that I've been on is the "Rapid Prototyping" model, because half the time the client changes their mind even though the details have already been agreed on during the prep stage.
  4. geistchevalier

    Fukushuu Kyoushitsu - Vol. 7 Ch. 25 - The * Victim

    I felt like I've read this before
  5. geistchevalier

    Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Vol. 16 Ch. 159 - Kaguya Is (Part 1)

    I only see Fujiwara and the dad as obstacles
  6. geistchevalier

    Real no Heroine wa Irimasen! - Vol. 6 Ch. 39

    @Pachka84 I know right, and I read plenty of pretty ridiculous stuff like Okamoto Lynn and Junji Ito maybe it's because I was just caught off-guard
  7. geistchevalier

    Real no Heroine wa Irimasen! - Vol. 6 Ch. 39

    I understand that reading fiction will have parts where you have to do a suspension of disbelief on certain things, but sometimes it just gets ridiculous
  8. geistchevalier

    + Tic Neesan - Vol. 9 Ch. 153 - Nursing-tic

    It's too late for him, he's in too deep
  9. geistchevalier

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 12 Ch. 100 - The Girlfriend, Mizuhara Chizuru 2

    I can already imagine a working title for a spin-off "I promised to watch my Grand-daughter's first movie role but I got Isekai'd; I need to find a way home"
  10. geistchevalier

    Kin no Kanojo, Gin no Kanojo - Vol. 10 Ch. 50

    @Abedeus There's an alternate ending?
  11. geistchevalier


    Abebesuppenpon for everybody
  12. geistchevalier

    Mata, Kata Omou.

    Just finished binge reading until chapter 12, this feels like a cruel story
  13. geistchevalier

    Shounen Shoujo - Vol. 3 Ch. 12

    @CuthburtAllgood Thanks for taking the time to explain, that's a good insight into Japanese society
  14. geistchevalier

    Imouto Sae Ireba Ii. @comic - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - Cat And Chocolate (School Arc)

    I remember reading a manga with a similar theme where the little sister is a monster, although not a 100% of the time. She would literally eat bits of her brother due to her monster instincts. Can't quite remember the name though, the name had something to do with chrysalis edit: nevermind I...