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  1. asdfgh1111

    Mankitsu Shitai Jouren-san - Ch. 18.1

    Why the fuck would anything nice ever happen?
  2. asdfgh1111

    Henkyou no Mahou Kusushi - Jiyuu Kimama na Isekai Mono Zukuri Nikki - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.1 - Reincarnated in the goddess world-1

    "ON SALE FROM MF BOOKS!" My brain autocompleted this to "MOTHER FUCKING BOOKS!".
  3. asdfgh1111

    Bocchi Jieikan no Isekai Funsenki - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - SDF go west 1

    I almost lost my first 3.5e character to a gelatinous cube, western slimes don't fuck around.
  4. asdfgh1111

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 36 Ch. 321.5 - Extras

    Eiko looks really cute in her frilly one-piece.
  5. asdfgh1111

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 38 Ch. 335 - Sanity Or Madness

    Azzazz on fire off the shoulder of Balam sensei... I rode on the back of the guardian of the valley and watched Ameri glitter in the dark near the Babyls school Gate. All those moments... they'll be gone.
  6. asdfgh1111

    Umeko-chan wa Koishiteru - Vol. 2 Ch. 14

    At least fmc got more than two pages this time.
  7. asdfgh1111

    Saihate no Paladin - Ch. 62.4

    I had no idea it was coming out that soon. Anyway, Magic archer was great and Assassin was my number 2.
  8. asdfgh1111

    Medusa Dorei o Katta - Ch. 13

    I would have assumed she cleaned it while bathing, so how does she clean the skin under the blind fold? Does she have a bunch of zits or a rash under there now? If so gross.
  9. asdfgh1111

    Saihate no Paladin - Ch. 62.4

    I've played Dragons Dogma all the way through four or five times. it was a great game . Grigori felt menacing, I wish more stories aim for something like that with dragons. DD also handled magic a lot better most games, manga, movies, etc. I loved the high risk extremely high reward...
  10. asdfgh1111

    Isekai Walking - Vol. 6 Ch. 56 - Demon

    Wow, I was gonna drop this but damn that got me interested. That was a surprisingly strong buildup for this demon and the demon lord. The stark contrast of this manga's normal laidback feel and the sudden explosion of violence really made an impact. Also the fact they say "He's gone already!"...
  11. asdfgh1111

    Saihate no Paladin - Ch. 62.4

    Dragons are everywhere in fantasy media now as boring bog standard enemies, I can't stand it. I think Skyrim was the worst for this, I remember being really excited to fight dragons when it first came out. Sadly one of the first things you do is curbstomp one so every NPC in the game can tell...
  12. asdfgh1111

    Gal ni Yasashii Otaku-kun - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    I looked at both of them, this one seems to be the better of the two. You can tell more effort was put in. and nothing of real value was lost.
  13. asdfgh1111

    Jishou Kanojo no Kouhai ga Iiyottekuru Hanashi - Ch. 5.5 - The Story of a Kouhai, my Self-Proclaimed Girlfriend borrowing a jersey.

    The water is like a damage multiplier. Being wet and cold for 30 minutes is roughly equivalent to three or four P.E. classes worth of cold but either way he's basically dead already.
  14. asdfgh1111

    Chigau Miyahara Omae janai! - Vol. 2 Ch. 20

    I want him to use a trident to save Miyahara from a giant snake in the woods.
  15. asdfgh1111

    Jishou Kanojo no Kouhai ga Iiyottekuru Hanashi - Ch. 5.5 - The Story of a Kouhai, my Self-Proclaimed Girlfriend borrowing a jersey.

    Five degrees, bitch do you not understand how the Jaapanese work? You can't let them get this cold, and for five days! he's gonna be laid out for at least a month!
  16. asdfgh1111

    Tensei Shitekara 40-nen. Sorosoro, Ojisan mo Koi ga Shitai. Nidome no Jinsei wa Harem Route?! - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    Damn, this girl is aggressive. She's like a pitbull of love, lunging at an unsuspecting 40 year old toddler.
  17. asdfgh1111

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 38 Ch. 334 - Piece of Cake

    "A fascinatingly deep and undemonly love!" Oh shit. Iruma's not doing a great job keeping this secret lately. I wonder if they'll do anything with this, I hope they do .