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  1. pastelandplains

    Take Me - Ch. 18

    Thank you for coming back for the translations!! 😉💕
  2. pastelandplains

    Back to Work! - Ch. 5 - Start of Revenge (1)

    Why do I get the feeling that the team leader is just making her do unnecessary overtime just to spend time with her?
  3. pastelandplains

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 31 - The People Above Land (5/23)

    I really love how comfortable Euihyun is with Sooah! 😊👍 I hope for more moments like this before the heavy drama comes again hahaha! Thank you again for the translations!! 💕
  4. pastelandplains

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 29 - The People Above Land (3/23)

    Thank you for translating another chapter in such a short amt of time from the last release. You guys have worked hard. ☺️
  5. pastelandplains

    Black Winter - Ch. 20

    I was really surprised at first when I began reading this. I didn’t expect it to start with little kids but now it’s saying that there’s a time skip when I got attached to the kids now. I’m- Anyway, thank you for translating this! I hope it updates more regularly now. It’s really an interesting...
  6. pastelandplains

    Moracmorac Crown Prince - Ch. 7

    Fave character so far is grandma lol Anyways, fml here reminds me of fml in Unlovable Replacement on Webtoon haha not sure if they’re similar to each other but the hairstyle and haircolor resemblance!!!! 😂
  7. pastelandplains

    Lady Evony - Vol. 1 Ch. 40

    It gets better and better in each passing chap! 😍 I checked it out for the nice art and stayed for the interesting storyline and of course, I’m all for girl power!!!!! Let them gals prove their worth~ The archduke can be tool (and a bit annoying bec of always going on and on about what’ll...
  8. pastelandplains

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 28 - The People Above Land (2/23)

    I’m always excited to see new episodes for this up everytime I come on here. 😍 It’s got a promising storyline~ I hope the scanlation team that picked this up will continue it until the end. 🙏🏻 Fighting~
  9. pastelandplains

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 22 - I Cannot Speak (5/9)

    i’m glad this is still being translated 😚 thank you for uploading!! looking forward to the next chaps~~
  10. pastelandplains

    A Falling Cohabitation - Ch. 33 - Life is a real game 7

    asdgdjq i’ve never come across a fml that’s as feisty as dami lol she cusses so intensely
  11. pastelandplains

    Black Winter - Ch. 16

    wtf lol i started reading this bec the cover art looked good (and i thought this was some fantasy romance sht) but boyyy did the story turn out to be super opposite of what i expected lol there isn’t a chap that won’t make you want to pull your hair out abdoahfma can something good happen to the...
  12. pastelandplains

    Black Winter - Ch. 14

    asfahd i can’t believe a little kid alreAdy has the gall to kill another person 😟
  13. pastelandplains

    Black Winter - Ch. 3

    i’m super glad that the fml is fighting back!!! even at such a young age, she doesn’t take sht from others,, YAS GIRL PULL EVERYONE’S HAIR OFF THEIR HEADS LOL
  14. pastelandplains

    Black Winter - Ch. 2

    asgdjahfak;; **** i hope something bad happens to her adoptive fam!!!!!!!!
  15. pastelandplains

    This Life to the Next - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    oh wow!! this story has a unique plot~ it’s still the first chap but i’m already interested in seeing how it’ll go in later chaps. it’s def going in my to read list!!
  16. pastelandplains

    Dragon King's Chef

    this really seems promising~ (the art and colors are super colorful and cute too)
  17. pastelandplains

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid

    the art and the story of this manhwa is really good! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) it’s my first (or second time¿) reading a period piece manhwa and i gotta say that at the rate and quality that the author is going w/ it won’t be an easy comic to beat. i’m super glad that i found out about this. it deserves so...
  18. pastelandplains

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 21 - I Cannot Speak (4/9)

    haesoo and the lady taking “the end justifies the means” quite too literally. if they were willing to go to that extent (poisoning the person who helped save your fellow comrade), then i don’t think they’d be the right kind of leaders for a new world (reclaiming back their country). then again...