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  1. jellu

    Beware of Your Boyfriend - Ch. 6

    Thanks for the translation!!
  2. jellu

    Beware of Your Boyfriend - Ch. 5

    Now, isn't that some thing future Si-hyun would have known. Girl, stay away from that sly fox.
  3. jellu

    Beware of Your Boyfriend - Ch. 3

    Lol he even got a hourglass ready to bs about time travel if needed.
  4. jellu

    Beware of Your Boyfriend - Ch. 2

    ......... with the title being "Beware of Your Boyfriend", mister, we think she need to beware of you
  5. jellu

    Beware of Your Boyfriend - Ch. 1

    lol that guy is way too ominous
  6. jellu

    Gradually Close to the Heart - Ch. 41.5

    Thank you for the update! Lol it IS a commercial chapter right But damn they are just way too cute.
  7. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 39

    Thank you for the update!! The panel with Aria lying on a bunch of coins is brilliant
  8. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    Oscar is a cuck. However Aria's intention was to use him to take revenge and also he's supposed to be engaged to Mielle.... Poor Aria is traumatised, i just feel sad looking at her. Her actions are just desperate right now. But girl, better be in that Crown Prince's arms.. And lol, the...
  9. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 30

    @PoolSol LMAOO so true I love his expression after spouting all the bs and realizing it's not her.
  10. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 29

    Aw... She is so vulnerable right now. Being beheaded in the 1st live became a trauma which surround her current life. And all that's she is doing is to escape it. Even though the method is well, villainous and sometimes very petty. I asked for the day things doesn't go her way, but this chapter...
  11. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 28

    @Louah oh wow, i didn't even notice he was wearing it. Nice attention to detail! Poor Oscar being pulled around. Yo Aria, can you stop messing with this pure boy and went to the love of your life instead?
  12. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 26

    HE IS SO HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Thank you for the translation!
  13. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 25

    I seriously enjoyed this chapter as well. Her burst of emotions was really powerful and the timing of the hourglass being used is just perfect. Also no petty action and her showing her intelligence is the best. @fresh_blankets I understand your worry. However if that were to happen, she would...
  14. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    I hope Sarah will be happy no matter if she become the Marchioness or not. On the other hand, I'm looking toward to Aria's time when things doesn't go her way. That'd be interesting. I know she's the villainess but I do not like looking at MC manipulating Sarah.
  15. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 16

    I also wish she would stop these petty actions. They just seem dumb.. And what if the hourglass got it limit and she cannot undo things anymore, especially when she actually need it.
  16. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 15

    I enjoyed this chapter a lot. The way that she was observant about people around Mielle and made logical comment about Mielle being only 13. AND DAMN TIME TRAVEL UNLOCKED.
  17. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

    Mielle is truly rotten....
  18. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

    Yes she is villainous, manipulative since the beginning (and also in the title), why are you guys surprised even though it's chapter 11 already. I'm very curious if the author would change her into a likable person and if yes, how the change would happen.
  19. jellu

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    Gotta say so far she annoyed me a bit as some of the actions just seem petty. But idk, gonna continue reading hoping that she will turn for the better. LOL I love her mom's character tho. Instantly saw through her.
  20. jellu

    The Villainess Lives Again - Vol. 1 Ch. 26

    Thank you for the translation!!!!! I'm enjoying the story a lot. Also I prefer your version of the English logo as well. The fonts are nicer and got suitable personality.