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  1. Solipsist

    The Advanced Player of the Tutorial Tower - Vol. 1 Ch. 28

    @Arvadiel That'd make for a pretty decent in-world explanation of a literal plot-armor: The earth itself won't let him die.
  2. Solipsist

    Yakuza Reincarnation - Yakuza Princess of Another World - - Vol. 5 Ch. 17 - Tradition & Reform

    Since when was "touching a reversed-scale" an idiom in Japan? That's new. I thought it just meant: "touching a weak spot". Either way, "triggered his ""IMPERIAL WRATH""" seems real awkward, there's no such thing. I think a better off translation overall, even if it loses its meaning (even though...
  3. Solipsist

    The Undefeatable Swordsman - Vol. 1 Ch. 45

    INB4 the sister is going to become the strongest character among that generation. @gregger Yeah, it shows that the author really liked the palm-emperor, so he just made a mini-version of it.
  4. Solipsist

    My Roommate Isn't From This World - Ch. 38

    @Nasuro Yandere-ish personalities are your thing? Those are dangerous waters you're treading.
  5. Solipsist

    Seton Academy: Join the Pack! - Ch. 137 - The Curtain Rises! Hoji-hoji Cup!! (6)

    I've been wondering about this for a while now. Does she even HAVE a snout? Especially such a pronounced nose, that she can walk upon? This is pretty much where "all females are humanoids" really fail, here... I mean, what about female elephants? They snort apples and drop them into their mouths...
  6. Solipsist

    BEASTARS - Vol. 6 Ch. 51 - Life Tastes Like Heavy Lead

    @stonefinger Nobody said we *need* to eat meat. Saying that humans have a "herbivore digestive system" is completely wrong, as we cannot extract/synthesize proteins from plant matter like cattle does, for an instance. I do think it's totally possible to flourish on a vegan diet, it's just that...
  7. Solipsist

    A Ruined Princess and a Different World's Hero Make a Great Country! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Mission 3 - Make a Bedroom

    Gotta say, the story was a lot better before we learnt that the MC is a huge chuuni, who thinks the world is there to satisfy his fantasies.
  8. Solipsist

    In My Previous Life, I Was A Saint, But Now I Want To Cut Corners - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    @sjmcc13 Well, I don't disagree with you. You got a valid point there, the issue is that the MC *immediately* opted-out of any thought of revenge or comeuppance. The MC's first thoughts were: "ah shit I want to be a simple guy, completely invisible." Tbh, it would not seem as "Japanese" if the...
  9. Solipsist

    In My Previous Life, I Was A Saint, But Now I Want To Cut Corners - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Love the hate here. :v I'll add some to it: Never before have I seen such a Japanese protagonist, that after gaining an edge over everyone else by having memories of a past life, she immediately decided to use her understanding of the era to be a "low-profile simpleton", rather than throw a...
  10. Solipsist

    Sekai Saikyou no Assassin, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei Suru - Vol. 3 Ch. 9

    @TetsuyaLP First of all, you can tag multiple people in a single reply, mate... Secondly, because, like you mentioned in one of your comments, terminal velocity is a thing. It's not an asteroid that was propelled for who-knows-how-long during its interstellar travels. It fell into the earth. And...
  11. Solipsist

    Rosen Garten Saga

    What the fuck, this manga is amazing.
  12. Solipsist

    One Point Advice Yankee - Vol. 4 Ch. 47

    And then, at the morning: "I am SO TIRED why did I DO THAT, oh god why".
  13. Solipsist

    Seton Academy: Join the Pack! - Ch. 136 - The Curtain Rises! Hoji-hoji Cup!! (5)

    It's so cathartic to see so many "hate comments" on this arc, and on the previous one.
  14. Solipsist

    Kuro no Shoukanshi - Vol. 9 Ch. 60 - Jet Black Dragon Dahaku I

    YOROKOBE, SHOUNEN. Kimi no nagai wa, youyaku kanau. *battlefrenzy rape face*
  15. Solipsist

    Murim Login - Ch. 49

    Hey, look at that, the only good part of the story is finally back!
  16. Solipsist

    Dungeon Reset - Ch. 61

    @Eals Which is kind of surprising, considering that the formula of this story is that every dungeon serves different type of challenges, and with that different plotlines to explore. The story has been meandering with the skeletons for over 7+ chapters now, and with the village for over 20+...
  17. Solipsist

    Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu - Vol. 9 Ch. 59 - Welcome home!

    @AAA1 It's more about the school-setting being derivative in Japanese works, rather than desiring a quick way to power up.
  18. Solipsist

    Black Gakkou ni Tsutomete Shimatta Sensei - Vol. 3 Ch. 19.4

    I really don't think this series needed another character, but I guess the author felt like without any immediate subplots, the story is heading towards an ending?