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  1. KingRagnarok

    Hen na Chishiki ni Kuwashii Kanojo Takayukashiki Souko-san - Vol. 1 Ch. 10 - Ignorance

    New girl is wild, and also i have the feeling that all the main girls are gonna be well endowned... and thats good
  2. KingRagnarok


    I wonder if he can use the Niko Style, also how did the other dude did the stinger in the bar while he was sitting???
  3. KingRagnarok


    Do i see Kaneda in the pag 8? or at least someone with his haircut and style
  4. KingRagnarok

    Jagaaaaaan - Vol. 6 Ch. 66 - Hairless caterpillar, hair caterpillar

    ''We are the stronges'' no you aren't you are a couple of idiots who can spit acid and have needles for hair, the carbon cop could probably handle both of you, without Jagaaaaan help... I really dont like these two.
  5. KingRagnarok

    Doll-Kara - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

    Yeah i think im gonna drop this... i don't know, this last chapters are giving me these weird vibes, especially this one with the whole ''Yeah selling yourself is okey highschooler but at least get a good price for it''. Like, i know that Japan is a lil' ''weird'' in that aspect but i'm just no...
  6. KingRagnarok


    Ey this Kokuro dude is actually kinda cool, i hope he dont loses this fight
  7. KingRagnarok

    BEASTARS - Vol. 13 Ch. 114 - Friend, Shall I Bow Before You with My Tongue on the Floor?

    Legosi pls stop getting scars, also dat lick of blood an the smile 😍
  8. KingRagnarok

    REIGEN: The Man With Level 131 Max Spirit Power! - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    Holy shit did ONE drew that Salt Splash art? is really good
  9. KingRagnarok


    Tadano mind reading powers are really strong at the end
  10. KingRagnarok


    ah yes, i see.... what?
  11. KingRagnarok

    The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon - Vol. 1 Ch. 46

    @VladDracul2 to that dungeon with the skeletons
  12. KingRagnarok


    I kinda want Rihito has the new MC learing the devil lance and all
  13. KingRagnarok


    You did good Ohma, you can rest now...
  14. KingRagnarok


    Beard jokes aside Ohma put an amazing fight and he always followed the path to being strong no matter what, he became a good protagonist at the end...
  15. KingRagnarok


    C'mon Ohma you can't loose when your waifu is cheering you on... I'm talking about Yamashita of course
  16. KingRagnarok


    @Kireato im pretty sure is because Yamashita was pretty scared when he presented himself to Ohma and he said his name really fast ''YamashitaKazuo'' and it kinda sticks to Ohma
  17. KingRagnarok


    Mmmmmm i don't know about using a hold against a dude who can pierce you using only his fingers, he still have a free hand
  18. KingRagnarok

    Rokudou no Onna-tachi - Vol. 14 Ch. 121 - Erimo's Situation

    It's cool seeing the side boys using martial arts, also you know that Inuma dont know how to use the chucks
  19. KingRagnarok


    That Advance doesn't have the black eyes, i wonder if is different now