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  1. Solipsist

    Level 0 Demon King Becomes an Adventurer in Another World

    @Gubly Micro-releases make sense after the 1st arc. Not for a prologue, I'll give you that much. I got absolutely nothing from that 1.1 chapter, and I'll soon to forget all about it...
  2. Solipsist

    A Certain Middle-Aged Man's VRMMO Activity Log - Vol. 8 Ch. 66

    @HDMI1 I didn't say it "doesn't exist". I said I saw more examples of people using that word to sound profound (i.e: random youtube chefs), while it ends up making no sense at all. I feel like @Fierbras and manhunt0r pretty much nailed how I feel about it. P.S: Just saying, on the first line of...
  3. Solipsist

    A Certain Middle-Aged Man's VRMMO Activity Log - Vol. 8 Ch. 66

    I can't even begin to express how much I hate the word "Umami". It comes across as such a meaningless word. It especially seems that way in this chapter, as it's repeated so many times. At first the MC says he wants to cut the meat to smaller pieces, so the meat absorbs more umami (which should...
  4. Solipsist


    Couldn't understand a thing, really. Nice try, but it's really not there.
  5. Solipsist

    Midashitai Giya-san to Midarenai Tadamichi - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Giya-san and the Inspection

    This thing is just getting more and more lewd, and the guy keeps proving himself to be even more numb than before. What a bizarre train ride...
  6. Solipsist

    Seton Academy: Join the Pack! - Ch. 128 - The Odorless Girl (1)

    @greatninja3 Honestly, this manga is better off as a comedy, than a romcom. The whole "sexual" tension between Jin, Hitomi and Lanka was just really unnecessary to the vibes of the story. If the story can completely forego any form of romantic-progression and just focus on the shitty animal...
  7. Solipsist

    Rooftop Sword Master - Ch. 29

    @MonkeyMagic Heh. Even with that in mind, it's overkill.
  8. Solipsist

    Modern MoGal - Ch. 127.5 - Extras - Dragon Judge Levia Images + Figure Information

    260 dollars. Holy shit. Apparently this comic is really successful, or has a bunch of whales swimming around the author, because even with shipping it's a surreal price.
  9. Solipsist

    Rooftop Sword Master - Ch. 35

    @skyscar @Legion_01 Just to piss ye off, I actually prefer this over Akumetsu, solely because this comic is truer to itself. It's stupid, and it barrels forward without any care but appeasing the genre of revenge porn. But unlike this comic, Akumetsu drags its feet and goes around in circles...
  10. Solipsist

    Rooftop Sword Master - Ch. 29

    I accept that the author pretty much gave up when the MC basically became The Hulk and started doing superhuman feats by simply swinging a sword around, but even then -- it caught me by surprise that the U.S's police was apprehending his aunt. Sure, it's not every day that you have a literal...
  11. Solipsist

    Rooftop Sword Master - Vol. 1 Ch. 26

    So I take it the author has just finished that fight with Sif, and thought it was real read. This manga took a real nose dive into absurdity, and if it's already there, I want it to keep going. Some pencil pusher thinking they can militarize The Hulk is going in the right direction.
  12. Solipsist

    Rooftop Sword Master - Vol. 1 Ch. 20

    Revenge porn galore, lmao. Haha, man. This is being such a blatant power fantasy, and it's not ashamed of it one bit. I don't think I've seen a manga go from 0 to 10 so quickly, or so bizarrely, other than Medaka box, perhaps.
  13. Solipsist

    The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 1 Ch. 18

    @Pokari Just wanna pitch in for anyone who might read in the future: Video games are a perfect example of this basic premise. The environment enables behavior. Watch people play RUST, or GTA V, and you'll see what happens when you design an environment that promotes griefing. Even if you think...
  14. Solipsist

    Charlotte and Her 5 Disciples - Ch. 37

    Yeah, nice going and all, but I really can't understand anything from this translation..
  15. Solipsist

    Joshikousei to Seishokusha-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 15

    @saber05 Yep. Not just "a chick", but someone who is substantially younger than him. Sexual attraction has many factors, and one of them is weighing the consequences. Having sex with a kid is something that is not to be lightly taken, it is not like getting laid in a bar. "Being interested in...
  16. Solipsist

    Joshikousei to Seishokusha-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 14

    Out of all the people I feel like I can understand and sympathize with, I would not expect it'd be with sensei in that sort of a situation. @gussygoose Just wanted to say, that you come off much more obnoxious than the one person (one!) who merely wrote "why is this monthly", with your...
  17. Solipsist

    The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

    This is one of those moments in fantasy, that makes me go: "For whatever arbitrary historical reason women were treated differently in the past, if it's a world in which "power" does not discriminate based on your physicality, how can women still be treated differently?" It's as much nonsense...
  18. Solipsist

    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 248 - Bam!

    @chonkury Pretty much how I should've read the story anyway, tbh. @manabi I'm aware. Just being ranty about how random this entire arc seems to be.
  19. Solipsist

    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 248 - Bam!

    What the fuck was the author even smoking for starting this arc? Go look for her art-book, that was lost / destroyed in highschool, now, in the woods? We saw the "demon" or w/e hold it, but what the heck kind of almighty crackpipe is the author smoking for even going there?
  20. Solipsist

    Tensei Shite Inaka de Slow Life wo Okuritai

    @hanjin21 Nah. "Make your own" doesn't make sense, period. There is no relation between being a really good consumer (i.e: knowing really well what works for you, and why) -- and being a really good creator (i.e: knowing really well how to craft things together). It's just a knee-jerk reaction...