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  1. PoisonSoap

    Zatch Bell! 2 - Ch. 24

    I'm really hoping he does his usual gag at the start of the next chapter because this one really hurt.
  2. PoisonSoap

    Chainsaw Man - Ch. 174 - Ayyy, Aging

    Old people doing stupid shit because they don't want to die is a tale as old as time. You'd think they'd learn but dementia is a scary thing. You forget all kinds of important stuff like childhood memories, the names and faces of your grandkids, and also to never come up with crazy immortality...
  3. PoisonSoap

    Pan wo Nameru na! - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - The Battle Before Closing Time

    I used to think my life was a tragedy but now I realize it was a fucking bakery Ok that sounded better in my head.
  4. PoisonSoap

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 9 - The JOJOLands - Ch. 17 - That Girl's Bags' Groove Part 2

    If that does happen then I hope it goes down closer to how it was with Diego than Jobin. I don't think anything can be said about Jobin's defeat that hasn't already been said before.
  5. PoisonSoap

    Whisper Me a Love Song

    Honestly the possible incest doesn't bother me. It's just fiction after all. What does bother me though is that it's more drama about side characters coming right out of nowhere right when it seemed like the focus was going to go back to the main characters. I didn't mind it as much the first...
  6. PoisonSoap

    Nick & Lever SG - Ch. 0 - We're Back

    The world is a better place now that these two are back.
  7. PoisonSoap

    Zatch Bell! 2 - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

    They did mention right at the start that they didn't bring Kido's spells since it would just be giving their enemies another fighter in the event they took the spell back. They just didn't count of Riddle calling in the book owner of a demon whose spell they did bring.
  8. PoisonSoap

    Zatch Bell! 2 - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

    Holy shit that got me by surprise. Out of all the minor demons that Gash he's one of the better ones too so it was a really pleasant surprise too. Time to go back and listen to GAKIN GAKIN GAN GAN GAN
  9. PoisonSoap

    Whisper Me a Love Song

    It really is a tragedy how this got hit with production issues. At least there is still other good stuff airing this season but this was the one I was looking forward to the most.
  10. PoisonSoap

    IDOL×IDOL STORY! - Ch. 37.5 - SSS Behind-The-Scenes 33

    If this ever gets an anime then I hope this bit in particular gets expanded on. I wanna see Shiori lift!
  11. PoisonSoap

    IDOL×IDOL STORY! - Ch. 37 - Departure

    Sneezing into your hand like that is really unhygienic Mimisuke what if you have to do a handshake event or something? Well I say that but most her fans would probably not care and the resolve for them to never wash that hand again would be even stronger.
  12. PoisonSoap

    IDOL×IDOL STORY! - Ch. 36.5 - The Senba Siblings

    Love the interactions between family members. Makes the characters feel more human and I hope we get more of it in the future.
  13. PoisonSoap

    Blue Archive - The Adventure of Game Development Department! - Ch. 3 - Gadget Buying Spree

    That's a high level game Yuzu plays. I don't think I could ever do that.
  14. PoisonSoap

    IDOL×IDOL STORY! - Vol. 5 Ch. 36 - The Night Before

    Personally I wouldn't call it Girl's Love just yet but this chapter was really pushing it. Considering Shoutarou did go full yuri with New Game I wouldn't be surprised if things get gayer here though.
  15. PoisonSoap

    IDOL×IDOL STORY! - Ch. 34 - Open Book

    She's only 158cm compared to Yuuri's 165 so yeah she's pretty short. She's 2 years older than Yuuri too.
  16. PoisonSoap

    Kino's Journey (Gou) - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Country of Heroes - No Hero -

    I don't know if this manga covers it but I remember there being a chapter after this one in the LN taking place before the country fell that goes over their motives more but it's been so long that I don't remember the details of it. Honestly though I think the only reason Country of Heroes even...
  17. PoisonSoap

    Kino's Journey (Gou) - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Country of Heroes - No Hero -

    Kino is stone cold and I love her for it.