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  1. TropeStealer

    VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Look at This Lady-like Expression

    Thanks for uploading.....Vtuber said marry me & have sex with me. Damn :korone:
  2. TropeStealer

    Kawaikute Gomen - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Dang...when female love their idols, they will go to war.
  3. TropeStealer

    A Single Aristocrat Enjoys a Different World: The Graceful Life of a Man Who Never Gets Married - Vol. 3 Ch. 12.3

    Thanks for uploading. MC isn't winning this single lifestyle. He needs a bigger drink to drown himself out.
  4. TropeStealer

    Tonari no Kurokawa-san - Ch. 2 - She's A Friend

    Thanks for the upload. Nerd and Otaku all have in common. They get nosebleed when they get excited. The precious princess is way too cute.
  5. TropeStealer

    Anata-tachi Soredemo Sensei Desu ka! - Vol. 2 Ch. 9.2 - Study Group (2)

    Sensei can't leave MC alone. Very hot.... thanks for uploading :lol:
  6. TropeStealer

    Ane no Tomodachi - Ch. 10.2

    Cute overload x9000.
  7. TropeStealer

    Saki-chan wa Inma no Ko - Vol. 3 Ch. 11 - First Time on a Date

    Thanks for translating. Grandpa monk is ruining the mood. :angery:
  8. TropeStealer

    Fukuzatsu na Kyoudai no 4koma - Ch. 100

    End with cliffhanger. :smugnako: Thanks for your hard work.
  9. TropeStealer

    Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 14 Ch. 107

    Two translations in one day...but all in all YESSSSSS.....
  10. TropeStealer

    Mousou Sensei - Vol. 2 Ch. 18 - I'll Pay With My Body

    Sensei need to grow some ball and lay down the law. :dogkek:
  11. TropeStealer

    Senpai! Waza to ja Nai n desu! - Vol. 1 Ch. 16 - I'll Confirm!

    Her body is attracted to the MC's body like magnet
  12. TropeStealer

    Gal ni Yasashii Otaku-kun - Vol. 3 Ch. 11

    Thanks for uploading. Romance is progressing nicely. Otaku is real smooth with the ladies.
  13. TropeStealer

    Filter-Goshi no Kanojo - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - Study Group

    Nice...can't wait for the next Chapter. Beach arc here we go
  14. TropeStealer

    Synonym - Ch. 2.1

    Thanks for translating. Weird manga but interesting none the less. Bookmarked. Don't be surprise MC will smell and lick his food. :pepela:
  15. TropeStealer

    Sensitive Boy - Ch. 55 - Toxic Parent

    I've an old colleague who lives and works in Japan. He told me he sent their 15 yrs old kid to boarding school and didn't get to see them until the holiday. Some parents would rather take care of their kids but most often both parents are working and cannot take care of them. It is a messed up...
  16. TropeStealer

    Seinaru Otome to Himegoto wo - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - It's White And Sweet

    You learn more sex education from manga than you would with school. Thanks for upload.