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  1. Rickachu

    Lady in the Bad School

    immediately excited for this after seeing the first chapter of the pre-serialization
  2. Rickachu

    Mafia's Daughter: Operation Makeover - Ch. 86 - The Situation That Makes A Hero

    student died gang throws bomb in room "ah the school news has been boring lately" was she responsible for those incidents too...?
  3. Rickachu

    Chiisai Gyaru - Ch. 20 - Dreaming (NSFW for real this time)

    Ah, the "little" sister, I'm sure shes a giant compared to "big" sis
  4. Rickachu

    Medusa Dorei o Katta - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Im starting to think this is it, shes just teasing him at this point
  5. Rickachu

    Kore kara Dandan Shiawase ni Natte Iku Kowai Onna Joushi - Vol. 3 Ch. 44

    As cliche as it is, "and then they fucked"
  6. Rickachu

    It's Impossible To Scare Away People With Those Breasts - Ch. 1

    Hmm, maybe she should try for an evil demon look next time
  7. Rickachu

    ijimerare kko ga kakkoii - Ch. 3 - Chick

    Ive seen some hazing and bullying before, but getting baseballs batted at your back is a new one for me. Bullies sure can be... creative in their cruelty.
  8. Rickachu

    Hell Warden Roruv - Ch. 17 - Sin

    Oooo, the next subjects are his good for nothing parents who abandoned him... mustve been cathartic and/or terrifying to see them down here.
  9. Rickachu

    Kono Healer, Mendokusai - Vol. 5 Ch. 49 - Reunion

    Ok, but Maria lugging around her sister's (probably rotten) corpse in that corpse cart of hers for who knows how long, is pretty damn metal... no wait, I meant mental... my mistake.
  10. Rickachu

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 2 Ch. 63

    This man has been slowly but surely developing into a Chad inside AND out
  11. Rickachu

    Dungeon Tou de Yadoya wo Yarou! Souzou Mahou wo Moratta Ore no Hosoude Hanjouki - Vol. 5 Ch. 26

    Bold of him to come clean like that even if he assumed she wouldnt believe him. Seems she wants to make a few last memories before she leaves. All I can say is, about damn time.
  12. Rickachu

    Shinigami Ramen - Ch. 7 - Men's Talk

    That sounds like forshadowing for a third girl, and I just hope they keep it to the 2, I already like the dynamic they have going
  13. Rickachu

    Mako-san Wa Shindemo Jiritsu Shinai - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    I cry everytime i read one of these chapters and see that theres a possibility they take around 90 chapters to get together
  14. Rickachu

    Being Targeted by Hyena-chan - Ch. 22

    Ladies, sometimes all you need to get your boyfriend's parent's approval, is to just show interest in their child. Theyll just be happy you are willing to go out with their "little man"
  15. Rickachu

    Duality of a Loving Heart - Ch. 12

    Its only a matter of time before she shows up as just Sora and catch mc off guard
  16. Rickachu

    Introvert Tsubame Wants to Change - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

    For those who are a little confused, she was invited to the mixer by her coworker, now whether it was out of good intentions or not is yet to be seen.
  17. Rickachu

    Introvert Tsubame Wants to Change - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Progress, shes making eye contact now
  18. Rickachu

    Mako-san Wa Shindemo Jiritsu Shinai - Vol. 1 Ch. 16

    Nothing more dangerous to a young man's chastity than a mom who demands grandbabies