@Boomburst They talk like they their all "gamers" yet they don't seem like the kind of people who would have gotten past the third boss in most games that aren't meant for children. (Unless the only game they've played was Bloodborne, maybe that's why they hate shields?)
Dumbass bird queen, dumbass lancer, fuck almost everyone in this manga.
If there weren't nice demi-humans in this manga i'd agree with the shield hero that it should all burn.
I'm still not convinced it shouldn't though.
@DarklordVor He told the king to kneel, basically calling him his bitch. And told the princess he'd kill her, killing some random pedophile noble with vague church connections should be the least of his worries.
The yellow shirt guy that follows the MC around reminds me of Pram from Returners magic should be special.
I can't remember anyone's names from this manga now that I think about it...
She could kick his ass with her martial arts or whatever it was she used on the demon, but it would probably be better for the competition if she summoned a dragon to eat him.