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    A Story About My Girlfriend Whose Personality Changes Everyday - Ch. 3

    @justforthelulz Seems like he has got a 10 minute personality disorder.
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    Chiyo Kuno the Psychic - Vol. 2 Ch. 41

    I feel my heart melt.
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    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 18 Ch. 158 - Courting

    Yea, interpretation is the most important thing in playing a classical piece that existed for hundreds of years and has been played by thousands of people. But if you play a piece that should be in fortissimo in pianissimo you'd just be called SACRILEGIOUS!!
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    A Story About Spending a Little More Time With an Eccentric Girl - Oneshot

    @VINT64 Yes but what if you're miserable and the people who you are trying to not hurt aren't doing anything themselves to keep you from being hurt?
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    Maid no Kishi-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 21.1 - Kishi-San Doesn’t Smile! (Special Business Edition 1)

    @justforthelulz Oh noice. You got a shoutout. Well, I'm not that surprised. You kinda are the most recognizable name on this site.
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    What's Wrong With You, Duke? - Ch. 72

    This is the last time they'll have this peace or a long while...cause everything's about to go to shit. I can feel it.
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    Fukinoshita-san wa Se ga Chiisai

    [Insert hamster eating banana meme] Edit: Oh nevermind. The translators did it already.
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    Mitsuishi-san is Being Weird This Year - Ch. 8 - Mitsuishi-san and What Happened Last Year

    @cgr It was the last part where he threw his phone away and probably a few other minor things like why he behaves like that towards her now, but mostly that last bit. @deathmailrock Thanks...but how sure are you that that's the case?
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    I Only Want to Beat You

    @FredFriendly Well, he might not be dense but he's pretty stupid to compensate for it. (But I'd prefer funny stupid over annoying dense anyday.)
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    @ReikoLupus No, I think everything from his personality to his appearance took a female equivalent form.
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    Love Comedy Hero & the Princess of Darkness - Vol. 4 Ch. 31.3 - Savage! Princess Of Darknesses True Character!

    @PanzerVItiger Its a foreshadowing that the fetish the next character that will be introduced in this manga will have will be a piss fetish.
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    The Story Between a Dumb Prefect and a High School Girl with an Inappropriate Skirt Length - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - The Story About the Dumb Prefect and his…

    @eureur I mean, that's literally what I said right? She could be a saint for all I care, I don't give a fuck. I'm not that much of a good person myself. And if you're saying that she didn't have bad intentions towards him...yea, those would've been actual red flags. I'm not talking about those...
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    Yumemiru Shounen Shoujo - Oneshot

    So...did they fuck in the dream? I'd assume they did.
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    Magical Girl Akirara ☆

    Oh, this is gonna be good.
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    The Story Between a Dumb Prefect and a High School Girl with an Inappropriate Skirt Length - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - The Story About the Dumb Prefect and his…

    @Boomthorkell Yea, but that's not my preference. I don't care if you're good-natured, I'm not a goody two shoes standing on the side of righteousness or something. Seems like she's not his preference either. Plus, he's rich and he's probably got the grades too to match his position. It's not...
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    The Story Between a Dumb Prefect and a High School Girl with an Inappropriate Skirt Length - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - The Story About the Dumb Prefect and his…

    @figmoomoo I guess he finds her annoying because she's very manipulative and haughty. I mean, I do too.
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    Wasn't this a shoujo manga? - Oneshot

    So...what's gonna happen to the guy who was supposed to be isekaid? Is he gonna bump into a handsome hunk in her stead?